Mr. Moxwell

Ruth Bader Ginsberg?

Please, if it bothers you that men are being excluded, start a hashtag and a movement of your own. Speak up for those men.

Your response ignores the women who have been harassed.

I wish this punch was with a handbag....

This isn’t nuts, it’s terrifying. These people are sheep, devoted to the ravings of a madman and incapable of contradictory thought. Holy fucking shit are we fucked.

To describe it, watch the Twilight Zone episode “its a good life.”

It all flows back to his bottomless narcissism. Every single thing he does, he does in his own self-interest. If he doesn’t feel like he’s getting enough praise and good PR out of helping someone, he just won’t do it. If that’s not sociopathy, it is at least sociopath-adjacent.

Malignant Narcissism.

That’s the scariest thing about Trump. You have no idea how he is going to react to a situation. There’s no policy or ideology or philosophy behind it. It’s just the will of toddler that is never happy doing the same thing for more than 5 minutes.

Evil, as done by an eight year old.

I’m pretty sure the law calls that “depraved indifference,” which is pretty fitting. The man is depraved and he’s absolutely indifferent to anything but himself.

It’s difficult to describe the sort of evil that Trump is. He’s not like a Hitler or Bin Laden type of evil where he actively wants certain humans to die and longs to be responsible for their deaths. But that’s mostly because he’s incapable of holding onto any sort of ideology.

I’m all for Trump going down in flames, as long as he doesn’t take us all with him.

Eagle Scout, Assistant Scoutmaster, and merit badge instructor here: This is fine.

Honestly, Scouting needs to be more inclusive if it wants to survive. The Mormon Church was unofficially running the show for a long time (hence the shitty track record towards the LGBTQ+ community), and only recently announced they

If you’re a black atheist trying dating blerds. It’s not the biggest dating pool, but you pretty much know what you’re getting.

How do you rate the quality of a Harriot piece? You look at how many rampant racists fill the grays.

It was picked up not because of anything he was wearing, but a bit more to do with how he climbed on a moving schoolbus and went batshit.

Welcome to the 23rd Century.