Mr. Moxwell

That was great. I’m so happy that DC is sticking with the“Let Heroes be Heroes While Having Fun.” route.

That gif alone is enough to make a cruddy day better.

It’s always just a little bit of a bummer when a director like this gets called up to “the majors.” There’s a positive side to including interesting film makers on these re-launch projects and making way at different levels for new creative voices, but it’s still just Godzilla and Kong knocking stuff over.

Wise, wise man!

I think humanity would be doing a whole lot better if we applied that logic to 95% of entertainers. I fully support that dad’s message!

Men sure are emotional and irrational lately. I think we need to stop letting them make statements, run things, and read the news until we can get a handle on what’s happening.

There is so much fury concentrated in my body that I may reach critical mass. If I ever see you on my street again, I am going to carelessly tear papers out of your binder and pee on them!

(what have i done)?

Son of a bitch, I will burn down your lemonade stand!


I know, early voting yada yada, but this country and its voters just fill me with despair and disgust.

You have to teach him to be human first...

There is a list a mile long headed with “Can someone teach Trump how to...” including:

We’re you responding to yourself as a joke or did you mess up switching screen names?

Which I mentioned:

Efficiently??? This is like the fourth time he’s been embroiled in essentially the same scandal. Huma has the patience of a Saint, frankly.

It shouldn’t have taken this GD long.

As I said on Moral Dictata’s O-Deck post: