Mr. Moxwell

“In the end Tom Cruise learned the mummy was inside him all along”

The damage caused by Roger Ailes is truly breathtaking in its impact and scope. Professionally, he was a proto-Rove Richard Nixon accomplice and enabler who went on to found the most powerful and pervasive propaganda network in modern history, which was profoundly responsible for training millions to disregard

I’m sad only because we won’t get to experience the joy of finding out he died ever again.

This absolutely does not make up for Chris Cornell.

Coworker at lunch yesterday said, “Ugh, I’m so sick of hearing about Russia! Everything’s Russia!” I went off. Stupid little fuck.

I went outside to grab the paper this morning and rant into a Trump voting neighbor. I smiled as I picked up the paper and said “It’s tough to keep up with everything these days”, and he replied “I don’t even want to know”.

Ah yes the morning what fresh hell am I living in today briefing

I mean, if they adapted the original Secret Empire plot where American ultrantionalists in cowls try to stage a coup on the world, Cap stops them, and it turns out they’re being led by Richard freaking Nixon, I’d watch that in a heartbeat.

I think she’s being careful with her words. She doesn’t want the conservatives to go on and on about how she’s leading a witch hunt, etc, etc which they will do anyway, but I think she’s trying to prevent that as much as possible. She’s like, lets find out the facts. Then we will move forward.

This whole thing feels so fucked up. And I’m not referring to Cap going Hydra.

I’m just... tired. I’m not even reading these comics, can I just be tired of the whole thing? That they made it into a thing?

You know Richard Pryor was not in Blazing Saddles, right? That was Cleavon Little. Mel Brooks was the director. Pryor was one of several co-writers who was peripherally involved, but it was hardly “spawned from his genius”. It was clearly a satire on racism, among other things.

Forrest Gump makes me want to smoke crack.

This is a really interesting idea. I love Lovecraft’s stories but the guy was undeniably racist, so taking his ideas and using them as the backdrop to tell a story about race relations is pretty cool.

I wasn’t being funny. BTTF is kinda racist.

And yet McCain is still being a waffling “well, we’d prefer he didn’t but he can because president,” shill.

The original was funnier, Ms. Schumer. 

I’m not a huge fan of the remake (especially compared to the original), but I agree that song is magic and I am going to blast it right now....

When a person seeks and is given a job by appealing to the country’s racist, misogynist, xenophobic id, you should definitely be embarrassed if you said “Let’s give him a chance.” Hell, I think people should be embarrassed when they offered the bullshit platitude that they wished him success despite the fact that they

I got ripped a new one on here for even mentioning that this remark from Dave was totally fucked up. I’m glad that even he can admit it now.