Mr. Moxwell

“Okay but when they don’t have anyone to flip their burgers anymore (because that is literally the worst fate in life) THEN WHO WILL HAVE THE LAST LAUGH?”

It’s MacFarlane. You know no matter how good a 2 minute segment of an entire season is you know it’ll be stale for the majority of that run.

There is literally nothing they will not do in order to cut taxes for millionaires and let Americans with pre-existing conditions die from lack of healthcare.

How many high crimes and misdemeanors does this make? Literal treason at this point and the gutless GOP still happily sells out our country for their hideous agenda.

I am just going to leave this here and let it marinate in the shittiness of the past few months:

“you’ve never, not once ever, doodled a swastika”

I’ve never doodled a swastika, because why would I? This experience is not as universal as you think.

Uh, I am unlikely to make that mistake, and this is also the first time I have ever seen anyone do that.

lol right, like most people think it’s a good idea to pose with a hate symbol

oh shut up and fuck off

Thanks for reporting this.

I reckon they should go with someone older than most of the Nu-Who Doctors, someone like this guy:

“That’s a real good thing you did there Donny, real good. Director Comey was a bad man and deserved to be sent to the cornfield. Isn’t that right, everyone? Real good.”

It’s a metaphor.

Be thou silent, and receive mine ducats!

When the Dems propose we build a wall between the US and Canada, I’ll agree with you.

The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street, aliens plan to conquer Earth after they see how easy it is to manipulate humans by instilling fear, suspicion, and paranoia in them. It’s basically today’s GOP playbook.

I don’t have time to confirm this right now but I swear I read Ontkean retired from acting all together soon after Twin Peaks and became a professional fisherman.

RIP Miguel Ferrer. That guy from that thing I watched.