Mr. Moxwell

E! has some watermarked set pictures—so you’ll have to click the link to see them—of the Vision and Scarlet Witch sharing a loving embrace and a kiss. 

No. That’s the point of the article. People don’t believe his crap.

Voters better fucking show up then too.

Am I the only one that liked the animated series more than the game show? I always got bored out of my mind watching the original show and frustrated because they never actually showed Carmen Sandiego doing any cool shit. It was nothing but a bunch of tweens answering questions (I was also like 6 years old). The

Now playing

Cute art so far. Just needs catchy opening song.

More like X-Meh: Blah, amirite folks

Even though I think it’s reasonable to call this close of a loss a success, never forget how adept democrats are at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

First off, James Thompson is awesome, and even though I don’t agree with all his policy positions, he’s the kind of Democrat we need running nationwide.

Remember, being “disruptive and belligerent” is a crime punishable by beating in our police-state.

The comments over on Gizmodo are depressing AF. To paraphrase, the elderly doctor deserved it, should not have raised his voice, should have just used his “cell phone to re-book patients from his hotel room,” and that this whole incident has been entirely blown out of proportion.

What the fuck, are you serious? The man paid for his ticket. He paid for a ticket to go on that plane.

America is so fucked right now because the Government has turned the keys to the kingdom over to corporations.


One would assume that he completed the bubble gum portion of his task before making that quip, and that is why he is now out of bubble gum. I trust Rowdy Roddy Piper’s organizational skills and I think it’s sad that you do not.

I’ve come here to chew bubble gum and mock stupid tone deaf ads starring a dull tone deaf famewhore from a family of them. And I’m all out of bubble gum.

Not every Caucasian who in the past, blackened their faces did it to ridicule African Americans.

Given Moffat’s love of timey-wimey, I’d say that’s a pretty safe bet.

I am 100% convinced that RTD came up with the “Master Race” joke first, and then just tried to spin two and a half hours of story out of it...

I really enjoyed Simm as the Master, and pretty disappointed we didn’t get a little bit more of him. Nice to see something like this happening.