
SIR - one cannot be both a hosier and a girdler. It is simply not done.

The Trailblazer SS is a perfect idea...

The idea that 60M people voted for Trump because they’re “racists” is exactly the type of self-righteous thinking that lead to Clinton getting demolished. Trump won because the establishment has utterly failed the majority of this country - they voted for him despite his flaws, not because of them.

Only on Deadspin will you see writers making fun of Tim Tebow for hitting a game-winning single in a professional league while, at the same time, writing 10,000-word columns lauding a Pakistani team as heroes for getting the shit kicked out of them by such baseball powerhouses as Brazil and Great Britain in the World

And that’s still missing one thing (2 things)

Jesus dude please don’t post people dying without a warning.

When people do modifications to the appearance of their cars, I figure that’s just their personal aesthetic. I may not share it, but that’s fine. It takes all kinds.

Excessive camber is the dumbest thing that car people do. Impound the cars, crush them in a little cube, UPS them to the owner back home and send them a huge bill.

exclusive: yet another commenter blows smoke out their ass without looking at the research. here, let me do the work for you:

Tiny homes are stupid. There, I said it. Please put on adequate gloves before touching my hot take.

My problem with this election is I think Hillary and the Donald both are really bad people. I feel like Hillary won’t ruin this country and it means something to her. But she is an awful individual. I swear she would slit a puppy’s throat for an extra vote. The problem is Trump would slit two for an extra dollar and

How is this an honest mistake? Who in their right mind thinks it would be okay just to unload some shit wherever.

I own them. They are strictly decorative at this point, hanging on a wall hook never to be used again. Difficult to get a good fit or keep them in my ears. I stream from my iPhone while walking the dog, and it has trouble keeping a solid connection while the iPhone is in my back pocket. Look elsewhere...

I own them. They are strictly decorative at this point, hanging on a wall hook never to be used again. Difficult to

Don’t bother — this thing is a piece of shit.

Don’t bother — this thing is a piece of shit.

The lesson, as always: it’s best to keep Johnson and pie separate.

I hope The Red Hot Chili Peppers played that song they have that’s about California.

That’s going to be a cool scar to show the sales pool once he graduates with that business degree. And then the used Hyundai lot. And then the Best Buy break room. And then his high school reunion. And then a new sales pool. And then the used Hyundai lot...

When can The Concourse be given it’s own separate domain so it can be Gawker somewhere other than Deadspin?

What’re your outrageous pet peeves (which may or may not actually matter to other writers) with regard to others’ writing? Mine is when “data” is used as a singular noun (“the data says that Mike Trout should be MVP”) rather than as a plural one (“the data say that Bryce Harper should soon start hitting strong home

I think it’s at least fair to argue whether there is a qualitative difference between protesting during the anthem when playing for your club team and protesting during the anthem while playing for your national team.