Mother Of Unicorns

They’re trolling the trashy new money folks. Seeing what they can slap a Tiffany logo on that the likes of Teresa Giudice will buy just because tiffanys=Klassy. Tiffany’s lost its cache when they sacrificed quality for mass production of their cheapest items.

Sterling silver monogrammed tampon case or GTFO.

Yeah, CPCs have been around for ages—when I did clinic defense in Orlando over 20 years ago, there was a CPC next to a legitimate clinic, but I suspect Lowell meant that this particular girl being forced to see a CPC quack (I refuse to call them doctors) has Pence’s greasy fingerprints on it.

They required her to get a court-appointed guardian for medical procedures because she is a minor (never mind that when it comes to abortions, courts have repeatedly ruled that minors were allowed to make their own decisions). They also wouldn’t let her leave the immigration facilities to get an abortion. When they

This is what I don’t get. You can’t just lose your bodily autonomy because you crossed over a border into a different country. To me, that’s like saying because she came to the USA without permission, crimes can legally be committed against here (rape, for instance). Like, ‘undocumented’ doesn’t mean ‘invisible’ or

Unless otherwise specified, if you’re in the US you still have all the rights endowed by the constitution. You can’t vote, because that is reserved for citizens, but you still have the right to due process in a criminal trial for example.

These types of pregnancy centers have been doing this longer than Pence has been around. They only exist to guilt women into delivering the child.

Courts have ruled time and again that just because you’re undocumented, it doesn’t mean you have no rights.

This is insane. One the one-hand, the conservatives don’t want her to have an abortion. Once that baby is born, though, those same people will be consider it an “anchor baby” who is wasting our tax dollars. Unreal. You just can’t fucking win with these people.

It is interesting to see this intersection of the forced-birth crowd with the death-to-all-anchor-babies crowd. I’m glad she was able to follow through with her plan and I certainly didn’t hear any forced-birther offering to adopt the baby should she have been forced to carry to term.

What was the administration’s argument here? Because she was undocumented, she couldn’t obtain an abortion? If you’re in the country illegally, does 15 weeks suddenly equal 20, the number beyond which abortions are banned in Texas?

Oh yeah. Over here in the good old U S of A we have pregnancy centers that many people who are in trouble don’t realize aren’t abortion providers. They have no doctors, only have ultrasound machines and techs, and someone to talk you into having your baby. There was a big billboard for one of these on my way to work

Trump administration: “You can’t have an abortion.”

“...they made me see a doctor that tried to convince me not to abort and to look at sonogram...”

“Instead, they made me see a doctor that tried to convince me not to abort and to look at sonograms.”

In this case it seems equally the right to decide and also the right not to be interfered with or pressured as well.

This was the scariest fucking story about our government. Between their horrible arguments about undocumented people not being actual fucking people and their fucking handmaiden tale style moralizing this is the scariest the GOP has been.

Every girl and woman must have the right to decide.

They’re apparently stupid enough to not piece together than the Green Arrow and the hooded vigilante are the same guy just with different costumes.

Kitten heels are the mullet of shoes