Mother Of Unicorns

It’s not the victims that changed their stance. It’s because a brown guy who screamed about Allah got his hands on an AR-15.

My dad was already claiming they’ve become “too liberal” now he is never going to shut up about it.

I'm pretty sure this is one of the signs of the apocalypse. The world is most definitely ending


Taylor fix your damn hair, that shit is dreadful.

You got issues if you think anyone is spending 10-25 thousand dollars to just abort a baby cause they changed their minds. No one is waiting that long and going “nah I’m good”. Most people who need the abortion that late can not afford it thanks to overbearing assholes who want to outlaw it to the point where only 4

Hey dipshit, sounds like the father was 100% on board. Even if he wasn’t he wasn’t the one who had to go through the physical pain that the mother was.

Jia, thank you for this heartbreaking but well written interview. I can’t imagine how hard it was to do this & to do it so well.

Mine too! It's a damn shame we haven't seen much of her the last season. I'm ready for her plan to take down the Faith Millitant to happen.

This manager is going to rip him off so bad. Gotta pay for that shitty hair somehow.

Not with that fuckin hair.

No. That's some made up bullshit. Probably by the local news to scare people.

Someone should break the news about Ricky Martin to him.

That bottom one is fucking amazing. I love it so much.

#1 is the face of someone who smoked all their meth & can’t be charged with possession as well. Just seeing the glass as half full.

They look like they've smoked some crystal...

Yes. I also enjoyed that the Tower of Joy scene aired on Mother’s Day.

How have I never seen this before? I fuckin love Reggie. This was great, thank you.

Prince Hot Ginge looks sooo good with the scruff. I am really surprised he didn't shave it off for the big celebration.

My daughter has a great RBF. People always ask why she's so crabby. I just tell them that's her face.