Mother Of Unicorns

If Cersei gets my girl Margaery killed I am gonna be so pissed.

I do too. I watched the whole video and I could definitely watch it a second time.

I am so sorry about your parents. You don't deserve that at all. I can not for the life of me understand how someone can be so callous to their own blood. You deserve love and happiness and I hope that one day your family accepts you for who you are. Regardless, surround yourself with people who love you for you.

Hugs <3

They likely had probable cause because apparently he was creeping everyone out to the point that they called police. I've been in WeHo, he had to of been acting super weird to get someone to call.

I see it as relevant simply because we tend to get tunnel vision post tragedy. We focus on things with a microscope where in the grand scheme of history this vicious cycle plays out again and again. Today the LGBTQ community was victims, previously it has been the Native Americans, African Americans & pretty much

Don't apologize. I think a lot of us are just letting our emotions spill out right now because we feel so helpless. It's hard to come to grips with something so heinous because we can't/don't want to recognize the evil that is lurking around us. We want to believe that humans are better than this.

I don’t think anyone fully gets it right now. All day I’ve just been retweeting and rereading others words because I can’t find my own. There is so much hate in the world and it needs to just stop. We need to stop tolerating racism, misogyny, homophobia and bigotry. We have to stand up against it, we can accept that

This is an amazing point, thank you for making it.

I’m slightly worried about doxxing myself but I’m on Twitter as @earthtoashleyx. I tweet way too much about Game of Thrones and Pretty Little Liars. It’s almost embarrassing, so follow me at your own risk.

Tonight I am drinking Crispin Blackberry Pear Hard Cider. It’s pretty damn good and not overly sweet, I usually drink their Maple Syrup Hard Cider but decided to try something new.

I always feels better about myself with some Urban Decay black eyeliner & burgundy lip color (my all time fave has been discontinued so I'm still searching for the perfect one). It makes me look awake & alive even when I’m half asleep. Pre-baby it was the two things I had to do before leaving the house. I’m trying so

I’ve never gotten a full make over at Sephora but when they do little bits I’m generally happy with the suggestions. I have gotten full make overs at MAC counters. I’ve always been happy with them & I almost always love the products. If you like a more natural look go Sephora & if you prefer bold go MAC.

Love the bag.

This summer I’m moving from WA to NY. So in less than 2 weeks I’m flying my toddler to my parents in MI to stay with them until our shit gets to NY. I’m going to be bouncing between WA, MI & NY for about 4 weeks. Good news is I will get to see all my friends back home and my mom likes taking care of my daughter so I

I want to try the new UD Vice lipsticks as well. I think I’m gonna order one of them from Ulta, they sent me an email today that they’re available online starting today & will be in stores on 6/16. If I order I will definitely report back ASAP.

That sounds rough, I hope you get everything figured out soon.

I’m not non-binary gender fluid but I would just ask your relative what they would prefer. They might prefer to just be called by their chosen name. I don’t think there is currently a term that is non-gender specific that has the same meaning as niece/nephew. I really like Mx as well, it looks great & gets the point

I hope you don't get sick again. Though I am glad to hear you're feeling better. Bacon makes everything better.

Breakfast for dinner is always amazing.