Mother Of Unicorns

It depends on what type of private school you’re talking about. One that costs $20,000/year & up? Yeah there will definitely be some asshole rich kids. A parochial school that’s under $10,000/year? Probably not as many. I went to public schools until 11th grade & then transfered to a small Lutheran high school. There

I just I can’t. I’m not feeling snarky today and that Breitbart headline just pissed me the fuck off.

I love Fiji. If I’m buying bottled water it is Fiji, SmartWater, Evian or Voss. Nothing else is worth my money.

It is super privileged but if I’m gonna pay for bottled water it is not going to be shitty Dasani. I’ve had Arrowhead before when I lived in the Midwest, I don’t know if we have it in the PNW.

Dasani is definitely garbage water. People always look at me like I’m crazy when I say that though :(


Thanks. I've definitely moved past what happened but when I hear this stupid narrative I always feel like I should share my experience. Being raped is a horrible experience and when it's someone you know it is a real mind fuck.

For whatever reason I not only had sex with my rapist after the rape but I also dated him for a hot minute. Is it logical? No. Was it because I was so desperate to believe I wasn’t a victim that I would do anything to try to gain control? Yeah.

I would most definitely have a second baby if it was grown in an artificial womb.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

I haven't heard BAMF in a hot minute & I forgot how much I love it.

I remember back in 1996 (I was 8) when Bill was up for reelection I said I wanted to be president someday. A boy in school told me, “girls can’t be president”. I went home and cried about it. My parents told me I could be anything I wanted but I think the damage was already done. I am so glad my daughter won't have to

I’m on my second glass & I’m about to break out some cheese. I also might have been singing “who run the world? Girls!” to my cat at the top of my lungs. I'm just happy tonight & nobody is gonna bring me down.

I started this primary season as a Sanders supporter and now I’m pouring myself a nice big glass of wine. I'm enjoying the fact that my daughter is going to grow up in a world where a woman is a nominee for the presidency. A world where most likely Hillary Clintom will be president and she will be able to remember it.

Same here! I signed up for Amazon Prime because I needed to be able to watch Who whenever I wanted to.

To be fair that's what I want to say to Leslie.

Why wasn't she wearing a chastity belt? Obviously she wanted it.

Best username and picture ever.

I am not blaming her directly for this, because that isn’t right.