Mother Of Unicorns

That makes way more sense. My brain is fried today.


It's stressing me out so badly!

Why is Kinja acting crazy today?! I can't even comment on half the responses. :(

I still can not believe CNN ever gave him a fucking job. I'm more surprised that Fox News hasn't picked him up.

I'm just pretending she got knocked up via IVF. It's the only way I can continue living.

Came here to say the same. I spend too much time following them on Twitter apparently.

Black tie. Everyone wears black tie to vote.

God damnit. I love Chrissy. Her John have been going off on Piers for awhile and I am here for it.

Rejoice! Love isn’t dead!!


Earlier I said “the rotten apple doesn’t fall far from the shit filled tree”

I read he has to register as sex offender for life. So there is a little tiny decent thing. He can't run from it forever.

How could Wilmer be beneficial to anyone's career? Fucking dumb publicists are SO scared of someone coming out of the closet. It's not a huge deal with her fan base and would probably help her career as opposed to hurt it.

Nope. Emily is still way too dumb for her own good. Still don't understand how she ever got into Stanford.

Not to sound paranoid or anything but if I had possession of the bird who is talking about an unsolved murder, I wouldn't want anyone to know. That seems like a great way to end up 6 feet under.

Exactly what I came here to say.

It made it a lot more bearable by only having to figure out where my friends were sitting. I think I spent a grand total of 15 min seating our friends and then I was done.

Hugs <3

For seating I had my MIL take care of their tables, my mom take care of hers & I did our friends. It was super easy that way. My mom and MIL knew who to sit together and who to not sit together. Once we had the number of people per side I told them how many & what tables they had to work with.