Lets not even get me started on that one. I read the victims letter to her attacker and I now I just want to watch the world burn.
Lets not even get me started on that one. I read the victims letter to her attacker and I now I just want to watch the world burn.
For her to have survived and come out on the other side means she is so damn strong. She is trying to make the world a better place by helping a segment of society that a lot of people just ignore. She sounds like an incredible woman & she is very lucky to have such a supportive friend.
I am sooooo sorry that triggered you.
Probably a mini skirt. That little harlot. Now she’s got this nice mans money all cause she cried rape.
The only reason he even got 25 years is because he was an immigrant as well.
I agree in some trades & businesses they are useful. I know nurses love them as well. Regular ass people wearing them though is a whole other story.
If Catherine Tate is in this movie I will see it everyday it is in theaters.
I am a parent and I would never in a million years do this. Judge away, these assholes deserve it.
Haha thanks! Part of me not wanting to raise a potential grand baby is pure selfishness. I prefer that my daughter just not get pregnant accidentally so we never have to worry about it.
I picked the tuxes and gave him input but there is no chance in fucking hell he would have been allowed to wear a hat. No no no.
As a married woman I would have 150% runaway brided my husband had he worn pastel tuxedo shorts to our wedding.
How much do you want to bet Trumps 4th wife will rock this exact dress.
I wouldn't be against making Crocs illegal.
Her face is priceless. I have never seen someone so miserable in a wedding dress.
I’m just happy someone else found my horrible joke entertaining.
Gilbert Grape?
Wow. I never knew a picture could make me murdeous but here we are. I don’t blame the dad for diving at this smug mother fucker. I wish he would have gotten some punches in.
A lot of people believe that you need to forgive in order to truly move on. Personally I don’t buy it. I’m sure part of it comes from their religious views as well, like most religions Christianity believes in forgiving those who have sinned against you. That you should trust that God will dole out the appropriate…
I agree to a point. My uncle is a long time heroin addict (who is finally sober) but when his then girlfriend got pregnant he sobered up to the point of being functional. He maintained a full time job and provided stability for years because he wanted to be a part of his daughters life. He wasn’t using heroin during…
I have a male friend who is most definitely bi, and really only hooks up with girls because he's insecure about coming out.