Mother Of Unicorns

If they had discussed it before hand and the wife was cool with it, whatever. It seems like she’s fine with it now so no harm no foul.

I'm pretty sure at this point the ONLY Kardashian/Jenner sister who hasn't be accused of getting with Lord Disick is Kim. I know Khloe and Kendall have been rumored to have slept with him, which means that Scott has slept with 4/5 Kardashian/Jenner girls. That shit is insane.

Who would have thought an adult man who groomed a 12 year old girl could be a rapist? Oh just everyone with fucking common sense.

My husband. It makes me want to stab him sometimes.

Lindsay Lohan likely faked one a few years ago. It was when she was doing the show for Oprahs network.

:( that’s rough.

Ahhh! I have to wait until it hits Hulu at 10:15 pm PST. Tonight is the ONLY night of the week that I wish I still paid for cable.

So this “baby” is just an attention ploy, right?

If this breakfast is waffles or pancakes, then breakfast. If not chicken tortilla soup. Also, can I come over for dinner?

I cried when Drogo died. They were adorable together and would have ruled the world.

Yeah I'm positive she or Doug leaked this. There is NO way anyone would have cared until she was showing unless she leaked it.

My exact thought.

Yeah I am super skeptical. I hope this isn’t an attention grab & she has a miscarriage. What a slap in the face it would be to those actually suffering from a miscarriage.

Isn’t she sleeping with Justin Beiber? That's the rumors at least.

Cleveland, OH is the worst city I have ever set foot in (and I've been to Detroit more times than I can count) & apparently Cleveland, MS is probably worse. We should just remove all cities named Cleveland from the country.

That always seems to be the excuse for these “false flags”. The gubmint is gunna take all muh gunz!!!11!!!!1 If the government wanted to take all the guns they fucking would. They don't need to repeatedly have all these mass shootings which rarely result in tightening of gun laws anyways.

That one is hilarious as well. I love all the silly celebrity conspiracy theories. They're so batshit insane that I can't help but laugh.

WTF kind of hoax would that be? What could possibly be gained?

What a terrible place for their “first kiss” to be. Hopefully there will be time for some WestAllen action over the next 2 episodes.

I’m glad you’re not in business with them. It’s mind blowing that some people STILL believe the Earth is flat. Facebook is useful but it also spreads the stupidity.