Mother Of Unicorns

That would send me clear to the dark side. I would destroy someone if they even insinuated that my child never existed and their “death” was all part of some conspiracy theory to steal all the guns. I deleted a couple people from my Facebook who were Sandy Hook truthers because that is a level of stupid that I can't

My favorite part was that one too! I love how tough Iris is. When they are working together the scenes are just great.

Mid to late 20's.

Salo announced the launch of his project, which is, in short, to buy a building that’s about to be torn down in a remote area

I guess that's why he stresses that this will take place in a rural area? But still I can't imagine the Thai government will be thrilled about this idea.

I love my husband so much and if he believed 9/11 was a conspiracy it would just have to be something we never spoke about. Or else I would probably lose my shit. My husband believes the more amusing ones; Illuminati & aliens/Area 51 specifically. Those I can definitely let go but man 9/11 truthers just really irk me

If I’m going to get into any crazy conspiracy theory it is definitely the Katy Perry is Jon Benet Ramsey one. That’s the kind of crazy I can support.

This is only tangentially related but my ex boyfriend and former best friend just posted a 9/11 truther video the other day. I couldn't believe that he would be so fucking gullible. Drugs are bad is the only lesson I could find. Thank god I dodged that bullet.

As sad as I am that they’ll lose Teddy, it makes complete sense. Iris and Cisco working together is one of my favorite things right now. They pair together fantastically & it made me completely forget about Caitlin last episode. Iris definitely can bring way more to the team & I hope they utilize her skills more

Which means that something awful will befall the Stark family. Two good things can't happen to them within a season.

I kind of thought that look she gave Melissandre at the end of that scene was her telling her she knows what she did.

The eye fucking is so strong. Also Tormund will not be deterred.

I don't think Ramsay will. A good portion of his men will desert him to fight with the Starks. #TheNorthRemembers

It seems like the women are about to take power in this world and I LOVE it. The only way to cut back on the violence/rape in this world is to let the ladies run things.

One can hope.

Brienne and Tormund is so perfect. He is completely ennamored by her amazingness already, wait till he sees her in battle. They’re gonna have the cutest & most badass babies & their marriage will bring the Wildlings to trust at least the people in the North. If the humans survive the White Walkers, Brienne deserves

I’ve never heard Count Blackula before but damn that is amazing.

I would watch but I don’t have cable and am not paying for the CBS streaming service.

I'm hoping with Supergirl moving to the CW we will get some more Flash/Supergirl scenes. They were so adorable together.

Teddy Sears has been awesome this season on The Flash. I am loving The Flash this season, it runs circles around Arrow. I’m glad that Iris has really grown from last season, I hope they don’t destroy her character like they did Felicity.