Mother Of Unicorns


Will you come clean out mine? I am so bad at doing it. I try and then gets all anxious and avoid it.

The rumor is that young Hollywood starlets can make bank during the Cannes after parties by “servicing” some of the rich old dudes. Whether or not that's true, that's been the prevailing rumor for years & why you see plenty of pretty celebs in Cannes even when they're not promoting anything.

Wait does she have the illuminati eye as her arm tattoo?

I have no idea who Li Bingbing is but I love her dress. I would quite like one for myself.

I feel like she either needs attention to function or she is just unstable. Regardless, being unstable doesn't give you a free pass to be homophobic and racist.

I feel like all the time I spent reporting her tweets wasn’t a waste. Seriously though, fuck her she is the worst. I just want her to fade into irrelevance.

What I don't understand is how her & Ryan Renyolds work. He seems like he would actually be fun to be around, Blake not so much.

Ugh I have a daughter and despite registering for a shit ton of gender neutral things, I still ended up with a ton of pink from well meaning relatives. Our friends were much better about not getting all pink, so that's a plus. If a have another I don't know if we will tell anyone the gender before hand. I don't have

Holy shit balls I need that Choupette bag. My birthday is coming up & I want to replace my diaper bag anyways. This is fucking perfect. My husband will definitely hate it but will still get me it as a gift.

So I'm going to get divorced, remarry my husband & do this. It is gorgeous and I am so jealous that we didn't do this.

I legitimately would pass out if I saw Jessica Williams. I absolutely adore her.

Totally forgot about that. Great point.

Just like when Amy said she wasn’t going to take anymore fan pictures, I 100% respected that. They don’t owe their fans or random people on the street a stupid fucking picture. A celebrity is entitled to their personal space. If setting boundaries is best for him mentally, then I'm glad he is doing so.

I am too. I opened Twitter this morning and all I saw was Donald Trump articles. I closed it & now I don't even want to go back. I'm ready for November to come. I need this over with.

I'm hoping he picks Ivanka. Make this circus a family affair.

Fair point. He should be British, that kind of escaped my mind since the picture of John has invaded my eyeballs.

I have such a huge crush on John Cho. The Spectre poster with him is perfect. If we can't have Idris as our next 007, I nominate John Cho.

Winston is me.

Oh my god. For fucks sake.