Mother Of Unicorns

I can't imagine why no one will work with her, she just seems so nice. Not at all insane.

If we would stop talking about her, her racist and irrelevant ass would go away.

I have one night where I really truly blacked out. I know for a fact I wasn’t drugged. I remember the car ride to Canada, I remember ordering ONE drink at the bar around 930 pm I walked onto the dance floor, the next memory I have is at 6 am throwing up non stop. No amount of prompting has brought back what happened

I am so sorry that happened to you. People are so shitty and it sucks.

It's sad that I was just happy he was convicted.

I mean if I could make out with Natalie Dormer on tv, I totally would. Can’t blame her for shipping it. Hell I ship it. I loved their scenes together.

Also he never actually said it was a direwolfs head. He implied it but he didn’t lie.

My Mother’ Day is going to be spent trying to keep my asshole cat out of the flowers my husband sent me. I also just polished off the chocolates he sent too. Since my husband is deployed, it is just ToddlerUnicorn & I today. Which means for dinner we're getting carry out because I am not fucking cooking.

Happy Mother’s Day! It sounds like you got a wonderful day of pampering & you deserve it! :)

Woah. That is pure insanity.

That bottom burrito looks so good.

I miss Lady Olenna so fucking much.

This. I have gotten wristbands for Lollapalooza & Riot Fest and both times it explicitly states if the wristband is damaged in ANY way you forfeit your tickets. People are so fucking dumb. $20 to replace expensive tickets is a fair fee for being a dumbass.

You are so lucky. My dad used to be more socially liberal but the past 8 years all he watches is Fox News. It is infuriating and also very depressing. I'm pretty sure he's been brainwashed.

Ugh I wish I could get my dad to vote for Hillary. But Fox News has brainwashed him enough that he will vote for Trump if nessecary. This whole election cycle is a clusterfuck.

The bound delegates have to vote for whoever they’re bound to in round one. I think there is a small number of unbound delegates up for grabs in R1. If Trump doesn’t have 50% of the delegates + 1 (I think the # is 1267) then they go to round 2. In R2 there are more unbound delegates. And it keeps going like that until

I think since Cruz only suspended his campaign the delegates can vote for him over Trump after the first round of voting. Someone on my Twitter feed is thinking that this is his why he dropped out. He is going to focus all his resources into trying to get the delegates to jump ship to him

That was my ideal situation but it has become pretty clear Trump will likely take the nomination outright. Regardless Cruz suspended his campaign which means he could still theoretically try to pull some shenanigans at the convention.

2012 was such a simpler time. What in the world happened?

If it 100% guaranteed Hillary or Bernie I would do it without a doubt.