They need to ruin someone's lives since gay marriage is now legal. Trans people were the next big target.
They need to ruin someone's lives since gay marriage is now legal. Trans people were the next big target.
For fucks sake...
I am assuming Ellaria & the Sand Snakes are being moved into a position to team with up Danerys. She will obviously need some new ships to get to Westeros & I'm sure Dorne will be happy to help. Especially if it means taking down the Lannisters.
Yes but I'd like for him to suffer at least a little.
I am disappointed in myself for that one.
He knows, last season (I think) Ramsay made a comment about how one of the houses hadn’t paid their taxes & Ramsay flayed him alive. Roose was not pleased. He knew about his mutliation of Theon as well. Roose believes that he can control Ramsay by essentially holding this new baby over Ramsay. I think this will…
Jorah is the ultimate nice guy but Lord Friendzone is perfect.
Everyone is at their best when they're with Tyrion.
Can we just ship Ted over to Dorne* and let the Sand Snakes handle him?
7. Jorah is essentially called Lord Friendzone.
I love Varys. I am starting to wonder if his “little birds” is somehow tied to the 3 eyed Raven. It would definitely explain how he knows everything no matter where he is.
The Sand Snakes better be praying that someone doesn’t bring Oberyn back from the dead. He would lose his mind if he knew what they were up to.
I started yelling at the tv when he stupid face came on. I hate hate hate him.
I think Roose knows he helped create this monster and it is really his only way to control him. At the end of the day Ramsay is desperate to appease Roose. Ramsay will do whatever he can to remain the only Bolton heir, he knows his crazy ass will be replaced if it is possible.
Probably wants him to overreact. He loves getting a rise out of him, which makes him do something dumb & then it leaves Ramsay indebted to him.
Fair point. I honestly can't believe Roose even told him it was a boy. He knows how unstable Ramsay is.
That makes me feel slightly better. I was about to have a massive rage stroke because I thought I wouldn't be able to watch until 9pm my time.
Without a doubt Ramsay is going to kill Roose & Waldas baby.
I love Brienne so much. I am excited to see her and Sansa together.
I did too. Mine started working about 5 min late.