Mother Of Unicorns

I might have to take you up on that. I love going down to Tacoma.

Fuck conscious uncoupling, this is how you do it.

I'd do it for sure. She already posted pictures of her amazing nails on social media so the only difference would be that she had to send them directly to him as well.

I am too. Especially when you're hurting imagining how things could be is easier than facing reality. With some more time you'll think about it a little less and usually trying to just do something helps that.

He is stationed at the shipyard in Bremerton. I definitely don’t love this area but I love Seattle so much. I love living out here, we are hoping to move here permanently once he is out of the Navy.

If your sad, it is okay to feel sad. Sometimes we get caught up in everything even when it seems illogical. My advice is it is best not to dwell on what could have been & focus on just moving forward.

My husband is active duty in the Navy. Long story short is were from Michigan and moved to California & while we were there incurred some real debt which lead to my now husband to join the Navy. He had a job for a short time and then got laid off and couldn’t find anything else. I moved back home at the end of our

I am so jealous. I want to be a hand model & get paid in free manicures.

My husband was in South Korea a couple weeks ago & sent me a bunch of different face masks. So far I’m enjoying them & I know I’m going to want to get more once I run out. So I will probably try the Pur-lisse ones once I’m out.

No problem. The article wasn’t 100% clear so I’m glad I could provide a little context.

The entire family wasn't killed. Just 4 households of family members. I read (in USA Today, I think) that they were found by another relative. I believe the 3 year olds grandparents are still alive.

The 16 year old must have been killed because they would have known who did it if they were left alive. I’m assuming the other family members who were spared don’t know. I’m guessing the ones who were killed either owed a lot of money or were dealing drugs. I haven't read that their phones, computers, etc were taken

That Pete Wentz tweet is the honest truth. Sneezing when driving is terrifying.

:( Good luck on your job search.

Because if I don't laugh I'll cry.

You shut your mouth! I can’t take PHG losing his wonderful hair. :(

I never make the stupid joke that my husband will kill any guy who our daughter brings home but if this happened. That mother fucker would be dead and buried in our backyard.

I am literally speechless.

YES. I love GoT & don't give any fucks if everyone else hates it. I am beyond excited for Sunday night, I've been working my daughters bedtime down so I will hopefully have her asleep by 8 so I can watch asap.

As someone with a daughter on the spectrum this makes me want to stab him repeatedly. Fucking douche canoe asshole.