Mother Of Unicorns

Did she acknowledge him in some award show speech and then when he won in the same show he didn’t acknowledge her? She likes him wayyyy more than he likes her. That's for damn sure.

Having a stalker is God damn terrifying. I’ve had one stalker who my dad eventually pulled a gun on. Before that though he had a friend encouraging him and he left me actual threatening voicemails. Promising to beat me to death with a bat for not dating him. I went to the police and they pretty much said there was

Really shitty spray tans.

Everyone is missing the most important part here... I need that lip color in the top pic. Seriously. Need. It. Now.

He did punch the 5 year old in the face. I’m sure it has happened to the 13 year old many times before, that poor teenager was probably fucking terrified.

The Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma, WA has been working with the US Fish & Wildlife Service since the 80's to help restore the Red Wolf population not only in the zoos but in the wild as well. Their numbers were around 14 purebred in the wild when the program began. There is now about 200 in the conservation system & 50

Nooooo why. Why would you post that.

Normally I would never attempt to judge someone's grief but come on Lea. Everyone knows that relationship was just a showmance. Her name hasn't been in the tabloids since she forgot to pay her gigolo & she got desperate. Tacky as fuck.

Wow fuck them. That's some Dina Lohan level shit right there. Maybe if they didn't force their kid to become a fucking pop star who might have been sexually abused he wouldn't have been an addict. Those poor kids.

Didn't Nick have some substance abuse issues too?

No way in hell Kris would let him. She would show her actual Satan face before she let that happen.

I would 100% let someone come live with me. I can’t even imagine the horror they’ve faced and once they are finally “free” they are treated like criminals.

Wait... That's just fucking stupid. How ridiculously insecure can someone be? I assume this has to be tied to their own insecurities.

Even reading the opening song lyrics got the damn song stuck in my head.

I didn’t plan my wedding as a kid, back then I hated dresses & just wanted to push boys on the ground. I did start planning my wedding once I got a Pinterest. I actually found my dress on there 2 years before I got married, it was pretty much the opposite of what I would normally wear but damnit I loved it.

So can I come to your wedding? That sounds amazing.

I don’t mind the song, I can see it getting actual radio play.

He's not bad looking and I love a guy with tattoos but damn I really hate his neck tat. Beyond ugly.

My god. This song will forever remind me of high school. We knew how bad this stupid song was and still we never stopped listening.

My aunt married her third cousin. Their kids came out just fine.