Mother Of Unicorns

It looks like someone's mommy needs to change their diaper.

Nothing heals an ailing body quite like treating yourself to a good, old-fashioned sport!

I definitely agree, they tend to appropriate the culture and contribute nothing to help the black community. Regardless of their short comings, it doesn't justify a lot of the comments they get in regards to their relationships.

I am not a fan of the Kardashians but I can't seem to avoid them on most websites. A lot of the comments when it comes to their romantic lives seem to have a lot of racist tones. It seems to be the media who obsesses about the fact that most of them choose romantic partners who are non-white.

If you go pretty much anywhere outside of somewhere like Jezebel and read the comments on stories about who they date, it seems to be a recurring theme. I think it was Khloe who once said she doesn't find many white men attractive and the backlash was pretty fucking gross. It seems like entitlement mixed with racism.

Well after today, you are most definitely right.

White men seem to be really threatened by the fact that some of the Kardashian/Jenner clan seem to be primarily attracted to black men.

Here is what I don’t understand, if Bernie doesn’t win the nomination he is going to come out and support HRC. He will want to stop the Republicans any way possible. What are his supporters going to do then?

Like most things he says I take this with a grain of salt. I assume if he won the election (shudders) he wouldn’t do anything to push an anti-choice agenda. He might pick a Supreme Court nominee who would though.

My experience with it so far has been awesome. All of my daughters therapists are amazing.

Is nothing safe from the gay agenda?

I will never not love this meme. I feel like I could use it multiple times a day. Whenever I think I've read the dumbest thing of the day someone somewhere proves me wrong.

Thank you for working with kids on the spectrum. My daughters therapists are some amazing people and I am in awe of their patience, understanding & desire to help.

Yeah it is not too uncommon that she isn't talking yet but the basic problem lies in that she doesn't really babble or make any attempts to communicate. I've been trying to teach her sign language for months now and we get nowhere because she can't focus or make eye contact. It overwhelms her and she breaks down.

:) thank you. I am trying my damndest to do what is best for her every day. She is worth it and I am a better person because of her.

because lot of the research doesn’t consider any communication that ain’t speech worthwhile. :/

There is absolutely nothing brave about anonymously posting a bunch of pseudoscience bullshit on the Internet. Vaccines do not cause autism. Don’t trust the CDC? Fine, check the numerous studies that have been done in European countries. There has never been a credible study that points to vaccines causing autism.

Thanks. It is what I keep telling myself. Some days it is just hard to watch her be so frustrated but I know in the end it will be worth it.

She is! She started before she was a year for some of her delays and has moved into an autism specific program since the diagnosis. I have already seen a small difference and she really just got started. I'm hopeful that speech therapy will be added soon, I can see that she wants to talk but just can't figure it out.

Thank you. She was such a sweetheart. We adopted her when she was 3, we think her previous owners either encouraged aggressive behavior or abused her. She would go from skittish to super aggressive at the drop of a hat. We had her for nearly 5 years and I want to believe we made her second half of life amazing. She