
I’d by “hard work”, you mean things like, slavery, the trail of tears, Jim Crow laws, lynchings, the FHA’s effectively whites only mortgage program (“red lining”), Chinese expulsions, the Japanese internment during WWII (which destroyed many Japanese businesses and opened opportunities for white businesses), and

I am sorry... Does my ability to both type and think quickly offend you? I’ll try to keep it to 140 characters in the future for you.

I am not sure that Norwegian is an official requirement, but not speaking Norwegian severely limits your ability to participate in society. It is also not that hard of a language, presuming you have English or German as a language already.

First off, white person here. In fact, whiter than you. 75% Scandinavian, rest misc. Kansas white people. I identify strongly with my Scandinavian heritage (I will be there in less than three weeks to visit my father), and I look like, as one friend once out it, “Hitler’s wet dream”. I also grew up in an American

Go home. :)

Third world problems. Oh wait...

So... Bad intentions? Subjugation, theft, and slavery isn’t a “good” intention and was practiced from the start, even by Christie Columbus.

I am presuming this is dark humor based on the fact that white people brought smallpox and at times used it in biological warfare...


Doesn’t look? What’s your confidence level in that statement? Do you have previous experience planning rail?

Fantasy. You have to maintain vacuum with this type of system. Having spurs would require massive tube switches or additional transfer stations. Or, you would have to abandon the concept of floating in a vacuum in favor of it being guided by a rail..

Along existing right of way into union station?

I’ll throw another wet blanket on the pile: If you include stops in the valley, then speeds will necessarily be lower than what they are selling. Even if a train can go 0 to 100 quickly, passenger comfort and safety requires long acceleration and deceleration distances. The faster you go, the linger you spend in that

Yeah, no. A lot of federal land isn’t suitable for long, flat, level things link trains and its not contiguous. See that bug green blob in the middle of CA? That is where it needs to run through.


Art imitates life.

Stupid question: Why not parachutes?

Sounds like there was some mistakes made during assembly. I have never had an issue with anything purchased from ikea.