
Why yes. Prior to building my desktop last month, I was running cs6 on a laptop from 2098. Worked great, except for video.

I see a pretty big issue with this review: The proper comparison for an iPad pro is the surface 4. For $300 less, you get everything you can do with a iPad Pro.

Eh. It’s a bad idea.

And the absolute wrong place to process or play with any of the type of data you are talking about is through some stupid screen in the car. Buy an Automatic and get all those features right now via your OBDII connector, but calling for everything to be routed through a touchscreen is dumb.

...except that a car doesn’t gain new features over time.

Just to follow up, what I am saying is that an interface that requires visually checking is bad for a cat and that as little essential functions should be tied to that bad idea as possible.

“Infotainment” systems in cars are stupid, and at the core there isn’t a lot more in a 2016 cat that isn’t there in a 1986 car that can’t be controlled with manual controls. The biggest thing I can think of is a back up camera, but that is actually controlled by the gear selector so...

Uh. /Walks to 1986 car. /turns light knob on. /lights go on. /Considers that when built, people had expectations that we would be colonizing the moon right now. /Future proven.

It is legit. There is YouTube of it. The thing is it just brings up the power command and blocks your screen. Some people click ‘a’ too quickly and it gets them. Others just end up saying nonobobobobobobobbibiibobnononononononk a lot.


My problem with the movie: “Sir! We located the special tree thing! Shall we nuke it from orbit?”

Yes, they did make a lot of money, but let’s not pretend that they were good. The world of the prequels is not really starwars in the same way. People wanted more gritty “used future” and to see the rise of Vader. What they got was a whiny kid and chromed spaceships and JAR JAR BINKs. People got suckered into the

Also apologies for all the typos. Typing on a phone.

I completely agree that Iran is a western country with a messed up theocracy layered on top (much like that many in ya’ll Qaeda would like to do here) and what you describe is “passing”, wherein a minority is able to appear as white until some asshole digs a little and discovers that she is a terrorist who hates

You are missing the fact that “white” is a very unique social construction in the US. To be white you must be able to access the privileges of being the dominate class. It is true that some people who are white live in poverty or otherwise are disconnected with all of the privileges that come with being white, but you

They didn’t say which Korea...

Unfortunately, FlyWheel is crap and introduces a shady new thing into cab rides: The guaranteed tip.

I am going to call this into question. A $20 experience or gadget are both going to be pretty limited, and it certainly isn’t on the “What is better? A trip to Tahiti or a fancier car” line that is usually used as examples. Doesn’t seem like it is big enough to make a good comparison.

Underground super hero wrestling in Oakland? You mean Hoodslam?

Meanwhile, with apple music: “It is aaammzzzzing that I can get expert playlists! So innovative!"