
...Do you know many people from Iran? Or have looked at the imagery used in their ancient works? They may be fairly light skinned, but they do not, nor have they, embodied Hitler’s wet dream.

Gimmick. This is just like a springboard port, remember those?

This is a stupid article, and you should feel bad. If anything, the fact that you routinely ask people this speaks more to your own internal mental workings than anything relevant in the real world.

Totally. There is that secret temple on the backside where everyone part of the LGBTQ/Godless Liberal community meets to plan the gay agenda that is right by the sacrificial alter.


In other cultures were nudity is not the same as eroticism. My guess is Europe/Northern Europe/Russia.

You are a horrible parent. If your daughter wanted to use the men’s restroom it would be because he is actually your son. He might look something like this...

Nerf blah blah blah.

Uh... That was strange. Mean, the clouds and some of those parts were actually very nice, but the whole ascent to heaven thing is a little strange. You fly, without wings, then get on a horse with wings, then grow wings, and finally fly the rest of the way. Wut?

Do you have a tl;Dr version?

Yes, yes, I see your point. You believe, in correctly, that the decision was made by local electeds. Unfortunately, that is not reality. The state took over all major financial decisions after a financial state of emergency was declared and the decision to change the water supply was based on decisions made by the

Actually, it is because these are affiliate links and they make like 4-6% on every sale. It is also stupid easy to set up the links and since they offer everything... Yeah, simple choice.

Actually, it is because these are affiliate links and they make like 4-6% on every sale. It is also stupid easy to

Ah, so it was Democrats who did not do due diligence and decided to swap over the water supply, leading to the current leading poisoning. Man, that Snyder guy and his ilk are crafty Democrats.

Fun fact: The only person to man up and accept responsibility for any of this was the person at the EPA who resigned over the department’s failures here. Also, again, in a republican world, the EPA would not have exist. Numerous presidential candidates have said they would like to get rid of it. That means that if

Hey, as long as you aren’t voting for the guys that are constantly trying to cut corners, dismantle the EPA, and demand that you pay for poison water... You should be ok.

Please forgive typos. I typed this on the train to work before coffee. :)

Thanks. As for the thought experiment, here is a shorter version.


Two main problems:

So, you are saying you want your baby to be white because white people are responsible, unlike those black people.