
Google Photos is already the creepiest piece of software that I use, but it’s so good at what it does that I don’t even care.

In our culture, children do run around naked on beaches until they’re about 14 or so. Typically, they’ll still strip naked around childhood friends and siblings at that age and older. Nudity is just normal here, and everyone’s seen what genitals look like.

I seemed to have miss the hilarious bit.

The “self-taught” half of the gif is extremely annoying to watch and therefore inferior.

I’m sorry, I don’t see anything wrong with it.......

Hey, sometimes the internet forcing couples together turns out all right.

Undecided voter here who is trying hard not to get involved with internecine Democratic turf wars, but-

What is wrong with everyone’s digestive systems that they can’t handle burritos?

You lost me on the hypothetical scenario at the end but otherwise this was an amazing response.

Two more questions, sorry!

Bravo! What a beautiful way to explain this. This should be a blog post.

Do you not know what that means? It’s not about being ashamed you’re white.

Not a single person anywhere on this thread or in the post said you should be ashamed. Not a one. Literally no where. Perhaps listen to the song and reread the post.

Yeah! I know people hated Samelove, but that song played ALL over my Memphis (not the most conservative part of the South, but not exactly liberal either) radio stations. And I just don’t think that doesn’t have impact.

Exactly! He seems to see his privilege and tries to see something with it

This guy, Macklemore? This is the kind of try-hard that I like.

The Seahawks aren’t garbage and nobody likes an ungrateful transplant. Move home.

So white people?

You’re right, it’s as crazy as casting a black British kid as a Stormtrooper!

It’s been said a million times by others, but I just want to pitch my two-cents in: