
Let me ask you this: What exactly would you bring to my wedding of non-dancers and people who prefer to sit around with Scotch instead of getting pumped up to the chicken dance? What added value do you bring over Spotify?

Well, we have one person claiming that X does not exist. Showing that X does exist disproves the former claim. Totally legit.

...can corporations unionize?

In America, there is never enough. That is the bane of our culture.

Well, I have taken literally hundreds of rides and if you want to know, you can always ask them directly. Here are a couple stories I recall:

Uh. Uber and Lyft are cheaper mile for mile. A longer ride makes lyft cheaper compared to taxis, not more expensive.

Welcome to the Conservative Future. The GOP: Turning back time, one issue at a time.

Maybe there was a clock bomb?

You are a fucking idiot. If there was some UN invasion (with what troops?) and if you found yourself in your fantasy “Red Dawn” hellscape, how exactly would you AR-15 defend yourself against a drone strikes or armor? Your local SWAT team has vehicles that shrug off your arsenal. You honestly think you are going to be

But it is not their design. Their design calls for a low pressure environment and fans. This has neither. Therefore this is not a test track for hyperloop. Why are you so intent on calling an apple a bolt?

Suppose Apple stated they were building a test iPhone with a revolutionary new wireless technology. Suppose further they built a “test” phone using the powermat format. Would that be testing their new technology?

I have a theory. One question for you: If Apple let charge a phone wirelessly, would that be a revolutionary new technology?

Right.... But you missed the part where “it” isn’t a conventional gas engine. Sorry if I wasn’t clear, but I meant that the four pot was just a plain old gas engine.

Don’t be daft. There is a huge difference between a technology that we still lag behind the ##Soviets## in (we still buy a ton of Russian engines), and this.

It it is not. It is more like proving a Model T can do 0-60 when you plan on building a very fast boat. We already know that linear motors work. Maglev trains are fact in other parts of the world. The core innovation claimed by hyperloop isn’t being demonstrated, which is the low pressure environment.

Well, put me in the I don’t get it camp. Doesn’t demonstrate the key claimed innovation. I mean, I have already been on maglev trains that hit similar speeds.

Why must everything in Japan have an adorable mascot?? Everything!

I believe you have the intent of the other poster wrong. The point was that the person who died should have looked at the tree and said, “hmmm. Nope. Doesn’t look good.”

“Invented”?? What fakes. They just put together a drone.

While true, there is some truth to this because of very low level racism. Japanese carries with it (today) a level of prestige. Hyundai likely does suffer slightly because the name is slightly hard to pronounce and Korea is still trying to shake the whole “japan knock off” reputation. China, however, has has an even