
This is what you sound like: “Apple is so retarded because their laptops run PowerPC chips. Windows ME forever!”

Uh. RT doesn’t exist anymore, yo. It’s Win10 and Win10 Mobile. That’s it. One is for computers and one is for phones.

So, are you white or not? Just curious.

Sorry for assuming. Your position, to me, seemed to be that of the “if those people would just comply” crowd, who tend to be white. Out of curiosity, are you?

Here’s the problem. You, as a white person, can comply and reasonably expect not to have the situation escalate. A black person doesn’t choose be a martyr because compliance in no way guarantees safety. :| A stray *word* can result in police violence, if you are black. Sadly.

Well, it is a fact. They were scared of the big tall black guy named John Henson and were uncomfortable letting him in. Hence, the title. Perhaps if John were whiter, they wouldn’t have assume he was a criminal. ;)

Uh huh. What are you going to fly instead? An Airbus with their faulty pitot tubes?

One other aspect that isn’t mentioned here (or rather implied) is the cognitive burden of being poor. What does that mean? It means everything requires much more thought, down to stuff that is simple when you have funds. This leaves people not only physically exhausted from jobs that require manual labor, but also

Another fact that people like to ignore is that smart phone are often the only source of internet for low income because math.

Can we get a BoJack thread going?

In depth 3d touch review: Meh. Not worth copying.

This is just coded behavior. It isn’t set in stone. If they made long press = pop (easy), the 3d touch feature would be replicated about 85% of the way. But how would you uninstall apps, you ask? Extra long press, which makes sense because you don’t uninstall apps or move icons on a daily basis. It would actually be

But, let’s imagine a world where we changed this behavior so that long press brought up the 3d touch interface and extra long press brought up uninstall and move. Not that different from 3d touch, ne?

False. The squeeze point is about 200 feet from the end of the line at Westlake. Also, been fixed with train control.

False. That would be physically impossible.

Uh. It isn’t a monorail.

Visual hacking? Visual. Hacking. No, but every day I do mandibular hacking, where I take food and reconfigure it into energy via a manual mastication phase followed by biotic processing. It fuels my neural network and emprical interface device which I sometime use for “visual hacking”, whatever that is.

Yup. The xps lne is actually nice and business loves cheap workhorses for their drone army to run office on.

Exactly. The REAL problem here is that the stadium is a gun free zone (I am presuming?). The only thing that can stop a guy with a gun is a crowd with guns chanting “kill him”.

One key difference being that this time... We are threatened with possible Extinction.