
But what caused it? Jesus, obvs.

Also, this is a comparison against a Mac, so it won’t be apples to apples or in-depth.

Yes and no. The base model lacks a dGPU. The ones that start at like $1799 have them.

Also, it goes bad. Fast.

Beats products are a trick. The combination of slick marketing and deceptive design is effective! But it’s still a trick”

Go reread art of the deal or something.

1) PCs were always good, if you spent the cash. My $1700 vaio from 2008 (7 years, upgrading is optional for me at this point) still runs just fine.

They both have “pro” in the name and some people think iOS is a real thing you can use in business. Probably because they see the know nothing upper middle management people with it.

It doesn’t. That would be like comparing a $100 android tablet from Walmart to an iPad Air 2.

No, his race wouldn’t have been mentioned because he wouldn’t have been suspended for staring. Since he wouldn’t get suspended, there would be no story, so nothing about him would be mentioned at all. That’s how white privilege works.

Dude. Maybe not a safe site if you have PTSD. At all. The fact that the website address starts with is itself a trigger warning.

Well, maybe if he wasn’t black that might have happened. :/

Puts on American capitalist hat: What a shmuck. He could have made a mint if only he charged more money!

I wonder if this was coincidental to the $750 a pill asshole, or just the Nobel committee punching him on the face virtually ?

Here’s the thing. It is expensive, but these cameras are for one thing: Fun.

As has been said in other posts, a lot of this has to do with the reaction of Apple fanatics. Apple gets undue credit for “innovation”, when their specs and implementation are nothing to write home about. People think Apple is revolutionary, but in reality things kind of suck the moment you want to go outside their

I heard the iPhone 7 is going to have a revolutionary new technology called “Farspeaking”.

I have had a G1, Nexus 4, and Nexus 5. While the AMOLED screens are great (I also had an S2), the Nexus phones have been very solid and stock Android has an infinite amount more polish than TouchUI (or iOS.. Also have an iPhone 5, 6s, and iPad in the house). With Lollipop, Google really upped their game. KitKat before

Yes, sort of. It is a very technical solution for a relatively modest UI change. It effectively implements long press in a different way. Apple could have implented something similar by measuring changes in the area of a press after a duration has instead of using the 3d touch stuff. Otherwise, it is basically the

So... The iPad Pro is AMAZEBALLS, just like the iPad ... But if you put out a media consumption tablet running android and get critiqued? iOS isn’t a productivity OS.