
Also, to preempt a comment that is surely coming (albeit maybe not from you), no these socialist countries aren’t perfect, but they are objectively better in many ways that actually count.

Their argument only works when you ignore all of the countries that are just fine and have a strong history of socialist policies and governments. Britian has most of the hallmarks of what Americans consider boogeyman socialism. They are just fine. In fact, fewer mothers and infants die there than here, thanks to

Tennis court? That’s chump change. Maybe 10 seconds tops. How about a video no less than 69 seconds and in public?

Social Democrat <> Soviet Communism/DPRK/PRC/Boogey Man Socialism that Republicans like to bring up.

*Looks at Nordic countries* doesn’t seem that bad to me.

The thing I love there is they àll think it looked like a bomb. I am PRETTY damn sure that all of the school bombs ever used didn’t have a big ass Hollywood display on it.

Well, the other side of that deal is a life of constantly dealing with shit like this.

Nothing goes over your head. You are too fast.

Why the anti-Boeing slant? The 777 is one of the safest planes ever built.

You referenced the Yoga 3, not Yoga 3 Pro. When you say Yoga 2, do you mean what you said or did you mean Yoga 2 Pro?

Because your primary point of reference is MBA + iPad Air and you are out of touch with what prices are for PC gear?

Just took. Yoga 3 11 users Core M (eeewwww) and the 14 is 3.5lbs vs 1.76. Cost wise, it is NOT 30-40%. If you disagree, post links with the prices for comparable specs. I’d like to see em.

Just got off the phone with TMoCo. 64gb 6s will be available on same terms with $99 upfront.

I don’t get how you can critique MS for a high price point when 1) The surface is the same price as an iPad Air and 2) The surface Pro is the same price as the iPad Pro. The key difference being that the latter of those two comparisons is less capable than the former member of the comparison.

Then again, what we really should be doing is comparing prices for different use cases, not just apples to apples since most people who own a MBA use it to the effect of a netbook. Name three distinct use cases, and lets each present what we would consider a good fit for that user. You present Mac, I’ll present

Microsoft offers “MicroCare” as an add on for surfaces. The price comparison includes that insurance for the surface. To be comparable, I selected the nearest model with each with similar features.

Tmo customer? Check. Wife who won’t give up the iOS crack? Check. Looks like I know what I am doing.

I believe that jump includes insurance.

I know, I mean OS X was adopted in the business world in zero seconds flat, amiright?

They should do what Apple did: Put out a tablet running Win10 RT with 32gb of space for $800. I am sure that would be a real winner.