
This is factually incorrect. A base model 11’ MBA air with applecare with a comparable specced surface pro with all bells and whistles (keyboard, case, office, and warranty) is about the same price. A tablet would add whatever the cost of a tablet is to it.

Depends on what you are developing or attempting to do. A lot of what I do is light application development. It is chump change VBA that gets oohs and ahhs when I show it off to people who use Excel as a layout program. If you need to do that type of work, you can do it on the surface (not the surface pro -just the

Yes and no. Office 365 will do some stuff, but once you get past the basics you are in trouble. Excel online, for example, really encourages you to download a copy of your excel book, edit it offline, and then reupload it if you have anything advanced. For example, you can’t mail merge online and you cant code vba

Depends on what you are doing. My position involves a lot of code and exceedingly complex spreadsheets/SQL server. That’s not moving to an iPad any time soon.

Write VBA for office? Kind of essential in my position.


Here’s my take: Apple is in trouble. They are sitting on a huge pile of cash, so they can afford to fuck up for awhile (like GM), but changes in the cell phone industry are going to massively hurt the iPhone.

Not really. The names xkvd suggest are based on math.

Well, perhaps when the GOP stops doing stuff like promoting policies that require the equivalent of wearing a yellow star for easy tracking those comparisons will die down.

Yes, he is. The GOP is a bunch of old racist white people who are angry about this or that thing that looks different or laws that mean they can’t discriminate any more. If they are poor, they get duped into the promise that one day they too will have to worry about what is going on in the upper tax bracket. If they

Your list fails the “false claims” part.

There is a very fine line here and it is really a technicality. A business DOES have the right not to sponsor a message, but DOES NOT have the right to deny their services based on race/gender/etc.

Only one upped by Jesus Christman, but he is Mexican and she prolly doesn’t like “their kind”.

The problem there being that the “beliefs” of the government are the laws of government. So, analogously, the government can force its employees to follow its “beliefs” with equal force.

forcing her to issue licenses is akin to forcing a person who objects to war into the battlefield”

A fixed gear bike lacks this. You cannot coast on a fixed gear bike. If you stop pedaling, you stop the rear wheel. If you pedal backwards, your wheel turns in reverse.

No clue. I am just explaining how you can have a score greater than 100 and be able to say there are some areas with flaws.

Old system: 50 +50 = 100

Difference being that Nigeria Princes don’t pretend to be legit after the victim has been had.

Well, that’s like, your opinion, man. I don’t feel sorry for them that much, but talking g about how stupid they are distracts from the fact that Trump was running a scam. That’s the news. That’s what the outrage should be.