
Apologies for typos: On mobile and kinja editor sucks.

Uh huh, which is why crony capitalism is bad too. You seem to be forgetting about fun little things from laissez-faire capitalism like child labor, no work safety laws, six day work weeks with 10 hour days as a norm, monopolies, cartels, debt bondage, and all the rest. You can’t have your vision of capitalism without

Nope. It is just pointing out that this is a stupid idea and won’t work. :) Yearn to be free all you want, but understand that you are embedded in society and that freedom comes with mutual responsibility.

Sure, but moving cities/states isn’t exactly easy either. There is a huge social and monetary cost associated with it. Moving to another country is really only moderately more difficult, especially for fully actualized rational beings who are following their objectivist desires. To not do it is to be a whiner and a

Why? Move to another country. Living here is voluntary too.

Of course laissez faire capitalism also invariably leads to vast abuse of the poor and needy. After all, they are just working 60 hours a week and skipping their kid’s first year because they choose to work for minimum wage, amiright?

If you want war with ISIS, and I think it is justified here (unlike some of our past wars that created this message or the current war being advocated for by conservatives with Iran), then start beating that war drum and let your hawks know that they are the real enemy.

Depends on your interpretation. The more fundy a person is, the more shit like this is acceptable. You can find verses in the bible to justify this shit too

I think I saw that on he dollar rack at the super market. Are you telling me that all the world’s problems could be solved by reading a pop culture nickle paperback??!

Great. So, after creating a nuclear pit in Iran, what do you suppose Iran’s next move is? Roll over?

Please go read something other than fox news. Iran isn’t a one dimensional caricature out to kill everyone. Just because some people chant that doesn’t mean the whole country is evil, just as the US isn’t evil because their first and best answer is to bomb Iran (Israel supporters, John McCain, you, etc).

You realize that you are the American equivalent to the Iranian hardliners chanting death to American, right?

It isn’t his job and to educate you. Why not go to the library -or purchase a subscription online- and read the last four year years of the economist and foreign policy? No one here is responsible for spoon feeding you.

Apparently just fine. Iraq destroyed its stockpile of WMDs after the gulf war and none were ever found again, despite extensive searches. The main thing they were skirting the laws on was long range missiles, which in the weeks prior to the war they actively and publicly destroyed in an attempt to avoid war. Too bad

So, here is my comparison: I live about a mile from where I work, so my transportation costs are $0 to about $50 per month for commuting. If I feel like it, I bike and it is great. If I am feeling lazy, I summon an uber and pay $7 one direction and walk home. Also, like you said, my time is money and my choice of

Hey, if it doesn’t get pointed out then Apple fans claim it is 100% apple-vation. It has only been the last year or two when people have started waking up and realizing how bad Apple software actually is.

Aww, u mad. :p

Prediction: Mediocre me-too product. Like most Apple software products (you see me trollin’ they hatin’) these days. This will probably end up deleting all of your voicemail when you try to listen to one, like Apple Music.

True, but Google actually did it better. Not so with Apple’s post-iPod me too products. Just trollin’.

Google did it first. Just saying.