
Again, cool beans. Glad it is working for you. Hey, even sounds like you have some rail public transportation, which helps give your area part of its character. Isn’t it nice to have options?

Cool beans. You obviously don’t live in a very popular area, else you would be complaining about traffic (popularity + opportunity = demand = traffic). I will go as far as saying that is a law of human settlement: I have never been to a place that is economically vibrant and does not have serious traffic, regardless

How much is insurance and gas? Also, depreciation is usually counted.

Well, no shit. We designed our cities to have the exact effect you are talking about. We moved housing out of the city and concentrated employment in the city, then built infrastructure for cars first and foremost with public transportation a neglected stepchild. The fact that you have no real choice in your car

For normal people? Hand them over. For *cops*? You protect members of your gang. Snitches get stitches.

My guess is that is she hadn’t been arrested violently and detained for three days for... What? Not putting out a cigarette she was legally entitled to smoke? Resisting a bullshit arrest? That she probably would have either committed suicide or died due to some other act. Her blood is on his hands, even if he did not

...but Uber does do background checks and the crime was committed by this Guy, not uber. Uber provided that data needed to arrest him and worked with police for justice. The woman is suing uber and will get damages if that works.

Let me ask you this: What would have wanted uber to do in addition to working with the police, providing them information, and adding an SOS feature to their application? Hire dog the bounty hunter? In specific actions, please tell us in what way their response was lacking?

Uber’s response was more substantive than a taxi cab company. If you really want to go down this road, lets point out that uber has all of this guys information and can finger him to the cops along with GPS data from his and her phones that can place him with her at the time of the crime.

Yes. It is what you are doing. “Uber is bad because someone got raped!” “Yeah, but that happens in taxis too” “IRRELEVANT!” “No, actually very relevant because it means that it isn’t something unique to uber, so you don’t win a ‘point’ by bringing it up. It is like saying you only drink coke because Pepsi has sugar

You are trying to make an asinine argument. Pointing out that rape has happened in an uber car doesn’t score you a point in this argument. It is like stating that one hospital is bad because it has the same rate of malpractice than the other one. It is a half truth. A logical fallacy. It isn’t a good argument. It is

Or to put another way, Uber added an SOS button. What have taxi companies done to address the issue when it happens there?

You brought it up as if it supported your position that Uber is significantly worse than Uber. Or, you were just making noise with no point except to pollute gawker serves with another 2kb of nonsense text.

This is a Lyft car, not uber.

May work for farmed trees, but it does nothing to bring back the rainforest or the old growth forests.

Well, having a monopoly on hardware and software helps. If Apple made something that was meant to run on ANYTHING, then it would be just as buggy. Instead, Apple just tells you that your Mac is now more than a couple years old... So buy a new one!

So what? In reality, the map probably shows up to a certain number of cars because if you saw the full number, it would be visual clutter and meaningless. Communication > Pointless accuracy.

This is bullshit. A race or any organized event should have a reasonable expectation that participants will be able to navigate the course safely. Mistakes happen, but when every participant ends up breaking something or biting it, you’ve picked the wrong course and are callously exploiting people.

Nah, you’re just mad that this patent doesn’t fit in your mental model that Apple respects user privacy and all that.

Apple totally respects your privacy, hue hue hue.