
And the US rounded up Japanese during world war ii, therefore they are moral equivalents? No. False equivocation just adds to the growing mound of evidence that you know zip.

Nope. Don’t give a fig. I’ve had streaming 24 hour radio on my phone for years.

Oh, fuck off with your defense of the slavery south. If you were in nazi Germany and were assigned to the camps, they faced those choices too. For more than half a century we have held that “just following orders” does not negate your moral responsibilty. This war was about keeping thr economy of the south, BUILT ON

Eric Fisher did it first

“Just following orders” isn’t an excuse for evil. C’mon. That didn’t work for the Nazis, and it doesn’t work for people who fought to preserve slavery.

Did I miss where a law was passed? No? No law against it? Then it is not illegal. You seem to misunderstand the concept of free speech.

Wrong. It is the flag of slavery and white supremacy. Full stop.

This is more of a slavery flag burning. I am OK with that. It is a symbol that needs to be burned out of the south.

Fukushima was built in what? The 60s? Today’s reactor designs are better and safer. It’s a little like saying that we should ban cars because when people crash, they end up cutting there necks on plate glass when their head goes through the windshield.

I guess the difference us that no one pretends that buying swastika merch is “heritage not hate”, and has them believe them.

Of course they did. They were exceeding style conscious (which is why while evil, horrible, monsters they DID look “cool”).

Cop out.

Because slavery.

Make sure you have good self control too. The lunch boxes are aaaadddictivveee... It is free and I like the fact there is no BS “wait 15 minutes to gather resources/lives” stuff, but I am all about dem boxes. It’s cost me $20.

Actually, taxis are to taxis what FIFA is to futboll.


Cherry pick, much? Yes, in that example you are correct, but it doesn’t change the fact that the terms of service for your iOS allows apple to collect all sorts of information on you and sell it to others. Just. Like. Google.

Key words: “See the current class schedule for the specific sub-genre”

Mmm, yeah, but, these people are trying to infantilize the curriculum. They are adults. They are taking adult classes. They shouldn’t be trying to take a book out because of content, especially when these are very good examples of graphic novels as a compelling genre.

White guy here. My gut reaction was that she was white or hispanic, not black or mixed race, with permed hair. I don’t think I would have challenged her on her claim, but she doesn’t have any features that fall outside of standard mid/upper European heritage so it wouldn’t sit right with me.