
Excuses. All you are saying is that they don’t want to lead and will wait for aomeone else to do it first.

Hey. Apple started this. They have patents on a rectangle slab with rounded corners and yell infringement whenever a phone shaper phone comes out.

I am pretty sure apple has in the past sued over that so called “innovation”. Either it is copying other people or just a hypocrite.

...also multi tasking on android doesn’t suck... So...


Except that streaming music on demand at whim was exactly what Napster was about. “Hey, did you hear that new Photek track? Let me get it from Napster and play it for you...” is much more the model of Spotify than, “Hey, listen to this CD I just bought!”, which is what iTunes was/is. Music streaming was a foregone

Also, this blazing new killer feature is something that Google will release as an unannounced update to google now in like a week.

Meh. I will believe it when I see it. I mean, Apple promised siri as a serious voice recognition and personal assistant... And it sucks. Apple promised to revolutionize maps (with features that already existed in other services)... And it sucks. Now they are promising “complex logic” for finding songs.

Absolutely. Spotify and Radio are more of a descendant of Pandora, which didn’t really have anything to do with iTunes at all.

Uh. You seem to have forgotten what the world was like back in the late 90s and early 2000s. Napster and Creative were the mp3 pioneers, not Apple. If not for those companies, Apple wouldn’t have had a concept to work off of.

Most of your complaints are a symptom of policies put in place by Apple.

Wait, why does siri need to be integrated into an app? Don’t you guys have a voice keyboard that works or the ability to start an app with sir I already?

So, monopoly is as monopoly does?

So twenty things Apple wants to “innovate” by copying.

Uh. Great? I mean... I guess I should care, right? Why would I use this over Spotify or Google Music?

Of course it isn’t “6”. That is a string value and these are clearly integer datatypes. The answer is 6.


So... Google Now/Cortana, Yelp Monocle, and Spotify are the headliners? Innovation!

My nexus does the first two.

My nexus does that just fine.