
Wait... How often do you use your pinky to unlock your phone? Or middle finger? You seem to be an outlier for how people use this feature.

All that is basically in Android right now. I guess my question is what in iOS would android people want?

Well, good on them if they are, because THIS MOVIE WAS AWESOME! Caps justified.

Weird. That isn’t how it works for me and I have changed jobs a couple times in the last years.

I think you might be doing it wrong. One does not simple create a place called work, one puts the address of work in the work address slot provided by google.

I believe that is in your google maps options.

Yeah... But you click “always use this app” and it goes away. Not sure why this is a bad thing?

I just got 5.1.1 this morning... ;) /Nexus

Yeah, the reason was that various powers that be were squabbling and screwed Google. Apple, being monopoly-esque, does a better job at screwing everyone else and being the only game in town. I guess that is good execution to you?

Apple, once again, innovates like it always does! Soon they will introduce photospheres for their camera app! Revolutionary!

This post points to where I think the disconnect is. You are a netbook user. You are paying real laptop prices for a very fancy netbook. An ipad, Amazon Fire, or nexus 9 will deliver what you need for half the price. Support shouldn’t be a major selling point if it “just works”.

Really? Then could you please come and install the latest is on my gfs 2008 macbook? It had better specs than my laptop when she bought it, but now it runs like crap...

Semi-honest question: Is your experience REALLY as great as you think it is or is this just confirmation bias?

Read the bible recently?

Nah. If she can afford horses as a hobby, she can pay for her hobby.

An AR-15 is basically a three inch knife. Gotcha.

No, no, no. It looks like a god damn fence. There are no heads on pikes, no huge stone walls, no dragons, no wood spikes. It looks like something out of game of thrones the way a tent from REI looks like something out of game of thrones...

I was at the expo in Shanghai (work got me there) and of all the pavilions, the US pavilion was THE WORST. Iran and North Korea both had pavilions that, while modest and their own brand of creepy (especially North Korea), were more interesting and less offensive than the US pavilion?

The apple version is not cute. It looks like it serves the Empire in the torture chambers.

I know right? It is like a reasonable conversation just occurred. On the internet. On gizmodo. About religion.