
To counter that, how do you know that I exist? You can’t observe me and for all you know, I could be the next gen of Siri. How do you know anything, if you can’t rely on your observations and the regularities that you observe in the world? If you say you don’t know if i exist, then you’ve got the classic issues

Yes, I agree the name is ironic in this sense... Although we could argue that believing in a God is different from consensus on that one specific God exists. For example, God basic nature of God in different branches of Christianity are different enough that they really are worshipping distinct and different beings

Sounds like the invisible gardener parable.

Batboy also had a kid.

And how did your god come into existence? What if the big bang was just the end of one cycle and the start of another?

But wait! What created your God? The same answer that justifies the eternal existence of your concept of God is also sufficient to justify the idea that the universe, in fact, is also eternal.

The problem is, if you allow that arguement faith is always right. Anything that challenges one person’s interpretation of a holy text can always be defended with, “God is just doing that to trick you anf challenge your faith. (Thank goodness TRUE believers like me are around to defend the church!)“

Be male and white?

No, the solution is to stop writing sexist dress codes that bring body politics into the elementary classroom.

“Loose” “baggy” clothes not worn at the hip is dog whistle for “don’t dress like a thug”, which is itself loaded with racial connotations.

Add to that that they are also shamed for NOT wearing it when it would otherwise please a man.

“In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread.”

Oh c’mon. It looks like a fat pig of a plane. It does not look like a space fighter. if the taxi industry is worth saving. Burn it to the ground!

Would this actually be, “What people in English speaking countries are curious about the price of in other countries”?


Oh boo. Filtered pee is just water. Get over it.

I can’t WAIT for Apple to announce an iPhone with a PMA based charger in it. All of the sudden Gizmodo will go from “OMG this sucks balls, qiopen standards tool” to “Deal of the Day: Original Apple PMA lightning adapter for 50% off today only!” and talking about how wireless charging is REVOLUTIONARY and just invented

I grew up lower-middle and white. Cops were ALWAYS nice to me. At this point, as an adult, it is hard to imagine a cop not addressing me as "Sir" during all but the most extreme situations (definitely not as the result of a traffic stop).

I get your frustration, but maybe your interpretation of their intent is off. One of the first barriers in a conversation about race is whether you believe that it exists or not. For people of color, the assumption is that you do, because duh.