Google’s new slogan: Don’t be evil unless we can get away with it.
Google’s new slogan: Don’t be evil unless we can get away with it.
Survey says that 99% of surveys are bullsh*t.
Surveys also say that 90% of the internet is bullsh*t.
Well, not quite. Some of those words tell me that you had an excellent English teacher in high school. What irritates me is when people make up words to make themselves feel important when they’re really full of sh*t e.g. webinar.
EA finds your collective lack of faith disturbing.
I clearly means a transparent iPhone is coming. (See what I did there?)
What a bunch of ass-kissing sh*t!
Gates didn’t have a vision. He stole everyone else’s vision.
The only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of petunias as it fell was “Oh, no, not again.”
Yeah, sorry, but that make YOU look like an asshat.
Yes, that is a waste of money. Journalists have no trouble making themselves look bad and do so on a regular basis.
I read this as “How do I get the Biden experience on my wall-mounted toilet?”
I read this as “How do I get the Biden experience on my wall-mounted toilet?”
So.... the green milk comes from that creature’s coconuts?
Ugh, she’s the female equivalent of David Hogg.
Don’t bend over for the soap at your new home in a black site.
“Leftists posing as white nationalists have infiltrated conservative media.” FTFY
There isn’t a tie to climate change. They author and the editor want you to believe that there is (there isn’t). Sh*t happens whether humans want it to or not.
Other than the transporter effect, which was impressive, the entire experience was underwhelming. The Romulan Ale wasn’t blue.
I still have the Q bear plush toy though.
Yeah, pay no attention to the fact that Boliva is burning up too. Nope, that’s not the problem you’re looking for.
There’s something incongruous about that sabre design. The fact that her arm and the part she’s holding onto move quite a bit when it unfolds implies that the thing is pretty damn heavy.
Seriously? Pandia? Couldn’t they have the balls to call it “Space Station”?
What are you complaining about? I thought this was “settled science” and not up for debate?