Most Interesting Man


Literally, all of them.

Their transporter effect was one of the most memorable bits of magic I’ve ever experienced. Literally smoke and lights and mirrors, but damn if I didn’t feel like I went somewhere new.
Getting to walk around the Enterprise and Bridge was also fantastic. And they had booze at Quarks which is evident by looking at me in

Dos Vedanya! Konnichiwa! Ommmm.

Totally off topic, but what is this garbage? Why am I suddenly being ‘followed’ by a bunch of spam accounts? 

Somebody please edit this so Rey is doing a back flip over his canopy.

The first law of environmental remediation is: don’t make the problem worse. The second law is: don’t glom all societal ills onto the problem in an attempt to achieve a universal theory of everything (TOE) solution. This would be tying social justice and economy to environmental remediation (climate change mitigation

I wonder how the citizens of Venezuela would respond to your comment about a tyrannical government...

Look at that photo with those huge plumes of.... water vapor.

Still one of the best music movies. It’s not subtle in the least, but that’s part of its charm. And it’s shockingly spot-on in regards to the modern music system. Oh, and the original songs on the soundtrack KILL. “Three Small Words” and “Spin Around” are better than 99% of what’s being released today.

When can Matt Novak get banned ...

I hate this pay their fair share BS. The wealthy pay more as a total of ALL taxes paid in a given year by a HUGE amount. Now as a percentage of their ACTUAL income that is certainly up for debate. But it has been proven that the top %1 pay well over %40 of all income taxes paid. But that is not worth arguing over, the

Faster results this way....

Good. If they do allow them to do business here they should force them to take on Non Chinese American Citizens as their senior leadership and to produce everything sold in the United States like China does to American Companies

Is stupidity a disease? Because it seems to be spreading like one.

The exact opposite is actually what's happening. 

3.5% of GDP.  The GND would be multiple years of the country’s entire GDP. 

You should debate the merits of my post instead of “what abouting” it. Do you actually think the GND is doable as proposed? Do you actually think there would be no repercussions for those that voted for it when Republicans trotted out their vote to say “hey look, so-and-so wants to destroy the economy and put our

It never stood a chance of passing even if the Senate was democrat-controlled. It’s an unrealistic plan that will never happen because of the proposed scope and no way to fund it. Democrats knew this and used the “present” vote not as a protest, but as way to avoid being bashed over the head with it running into 2020.