Microsoft’s reply to her last sentence:
Microsoft’s reply to her last sentence:
Almost all humans have a natural and normal aversion to maggots/rot/deterioration, which is what a lot of people like to self-diagnose as “trypophobia” because... internet, labels, humanity’s strange compulsion to over-complicate simple concepts, validation obsession, yadda yadda yadda.
I think it depends on what you want. I think some people don’t want anything too drastically different. A graphics update and voice acting, maybe a bit more depth to the boss battles. Other folks? This is the flash and action that they crave, a modern version of something they love. Or even a first chance to enjoy…
That isn’t why you get the games for free. You get the games for free because you want to steal them and are using this as justification. People well below the C Suite still worked on those titles and you are benefiting from their hard work without giving them any kind of support. You are effectively as bad as EA is.…
If a game or developer does not align with your politics and you feel strongly about it, then don’t buy the game. By all means, take a stand. Sign an online petition stating that you’re not buying the game because it fails to give equal representation to women. If you want to enact real change and enough people feel…
i’m ok with a discless console, i just don’t do much with physical copies of games and i don’t sell games used as much as i will buy digital games on sale or play them as part of a service. The tipping point for me was after noticing this generation that all the data from the disc gets installed to and read off the…
Get those stupid human babies outta here! Enough of that shit on Facebook....
People: I won’t get VR until people start making games for it.
If there’s good sound design, you should relish all your weapons.
Instead of people complaining about these same old tired jokes ( I get them in my job too) maybe we should all appreciate the fact that not everyone looks at us as worker drones and some people actually take the time to try and interact with us instead of treating us like a drone.
Why turn Mario into a racing game?
Yeah, unfortunately I agree. As I see it, many things are gonna correlate at least weakly with race, whether good or bad. I’m fine with acknowledging reality. Some over here on the left with me seem to think that’s racism. I tend to think they’re idiots and/or hypocrites. *shrug*
Also if you consider breastfeeding sexual content, that’s your albatross, not the mom’s.
Answer: Yes.
The Phantom Menace to The Force Awakens. When you write as 1 through 7, that’d be the proper titling.
There are dozens of us! Dozens!
charge your fucking phone
Thanks for this article. I’m a pastor (of more of the brick and mortar type of congregation). I totally appreciate the challenges of always being “on” as a pastor, and trying to balance being just “me” or “pastor me.”