Oh my lord that sounds wonderful and i’m definitely doing that the next time I get a Hawaiian pizza. You are a wonderful person.
Oh my lord that sounds wonderful and i’m definitely doing that the next time I get a Hawaiian pizza. You are a wonderful person.
That’s fair. I mean even if they do it absolute justice everyone is going to be chomping at the bit for the next episode. But it’s not something I see as inherently a negative. I’m fine with not having my life entirely taken over for like a year for us to get the complete story all at once lmao! Honestly the demo was…
I loved the demo of the remake and absolutely can’t wait for the full release. The combat system seems beautifully implemented. Frenetic and crazy stuff going on but the ability to slow everything down so you can queue up abilities/magic/itemsfor an absolute salvo. Just felt great to play honestly.
I’d love it if this came out for the Switch.
Dude just do a shell conversion that includes the d-pad for your Switch. I just did that recently for my Switch and it’s absolute perfection. I would say just don’t use the replacement ABXY buttons because they wear off really easy. Also if you can, just keep the midboard from your existing Joycon that way you don’t…
Except that they’ve stated that each part of the FF7R is going to be 40 hours plus I do believe, which if it’s a solid experience to me it’s well worth the money. I paid full retail for Jedi: Fallen Order which took me about 40 hours to platinum and I found it was worth every penny.
How so? Because of the d-pad?
Uggghhhhh the rumours about Sony Remote Play and the Switch have me chomping at the bit for that. I would fricking LOVE it if they opened it up for that.
It’s how I am right now delving back into Mario Odyssey for the end game content and finally giving Stardew Valley its due. My Switch has been glued to my hands practically for the last month :P
That’s disgusting lmao
I’m still going to be chipping away at Mario Odyssey and Stardew Valley for the Switch. Been so nice to just toss on a show and kick back in my chair and a half with a nice bourbon and play some handheld.
It’s actually already on the Switch haha! It sounds like the port has been pretty good though from the reviews I’ve watched.
I felt they very much kept that style that the first game had. Shooting still felt great as ever. The cast of characters were still top notch and so thankful they brought Anya back even though I was stressed the entire time that they were going to kill her off. Also that bit with the super old Hitler was just pure…
Can’t wait to pick that up for the Switch. I’m sure it will suck some serious time away lol.
It’s a tough balancing act my dude. I’m in the same boat. When I make that commitment to my body, a lot of stuff falls by the wayside and gaming is the first thing that tends to get the axe. BUT I love gaming so much at the same time and get so much enjoyment from it so I try and find some sort of in between.
Probably just lots of Stardew Valley for Switch and jumping back into the end-game of Mario Odyssey. Hadn’t played MO for a solid year and a half since finishing the main game and booted it up last night for a run around and after re-learning the controls I definitely feel it sinking its claws into me again.
I just got into Stardew Valley for the Switch last weekend and goddamn man just beware. It has taken over my LIFE lol.
That adorable guy would probably have never left if it was on my porch. My dumb ass would have went out and gotten a nice animal house for him/her, some blankets, and all the goddamn food he/she would have been able to want. Kind of like with the mouse I caught in my house a few years back. Went and took it outside to…
That sequence was slow for you? Good lord lol. Wolfenstein 2 definitely had its points where I would get frustrated but it was still a fricking wonderful game.
Well said. Pirating just makes you look like a POS thief and gives companies like EA ammunition to justify a lack of development and resources devoted towards PC.