Crunchy Cheetos or GTFO
Crunchy Cheetos or GTFO
If the master sword never breaks, why would you use anything else once you got it? That idea completely breaks the whole mechanical and thematic point of the system.
Keep the weapons degradation, and give us more varied weapons. I know it’s a trigger point for a lot of people with BotW, but having weapons degrade and break was a fantastic way to force people to use a wide variety of the weapons in the game. That, and it forced people to experiment with the runes to see exactly…
“Item durability is never a fun thing, it only makes people scared to break their toys, and thus not use them.”
Story Time: Christmas, circa 96-97. My younger brother and I get the Playstation we have been begging for, along with Tomb Raider 1 and Twisted Metal 2. We are fucking pumped. We go to hook it up and... calamity! All of our TVs are old, so we don’t have the red/yellow/white AV inputs. We spend WEEKS looking for an RF…
I think a good way to frame it is that BotW is one of the few open world games out there that’s more interested in the journey than the end-point. And to that effect, I absolutely get why that has resulted in a population of people who balked at the weapon-breaking mechanics, the subdued plot, and the general lack of…
“Sir, we’re losing altitude!” “Engage bottom rotor!”
Every one of his tattoos looks like he got paid on Friday, went out drinking that night, then tossed his last two crumpled twenties on the counter of the dirtiest shop in town and asked “What’ll this get me?”
It’s a DIY cabinet and I dismantled it during the move. I’m thinking of rebuilding it as two Astrocity cabs japanese style.
But there is a logic to it. Plenty of civilians have died in the past needlessly because of her terrible ability to rule without advise. This is someone who’s had people crucified and burnt alive for tenuous reasons that she considered “justice”.
you miss the whole point of the conversation she had with Jon. In Westeros, you rule by one of two things, either they love you, or they fear you. They don’t love her, so she had to choose fear. Jesus, this show is not a Disney tale, this is how rulers get to rule.
Um, sorry, but what? “Sudden turn”? The only reason it seems sudden is because D&D decided to rush these past two seasons but they have been building to this for a very long time. She was initially talked down from burning the Red Keep, before assisting everyone in the North. She’s progressively lost everything dear…
All I know is that if I were Cap, I would’ve come back after finding the craziest monster mask I could find.. some kind of human fly thing, maybe... and when I reappeared in the present, I’d yell “it didn’t work! IT DIDN’T WORK!” Screw finding love and happiness in the past. A good gag is forever.
This is the worst journalism I’ve seen, they intentionally omit her apology, and they omit that she believes transwomen in MMA is fair as long they transition before puberty. She states she respects trans identity numerous times.
I envy your past.
Movies and games have sort of ruined sword fighting. It is often so choreographed or over-the-top, it doesn’t resemble anything like actual sword fighting
Ah shit, here we go again.
Strike At Karkand forever.