Yeah power outages are decidedly out of Sony’s hands haha. And it only happens maybe a couple times a year so the chances of it happening in a situation where it actually affects my progress in any way are very small.
Yeah power outages are decidedly out of Sony’s hands haha. And it only happens maybe a couple times a year so the chances of it happening in a situation where it actually affects my progress in any way are very small.
Ahhhhh ok that makes more sense haha. Yeah I’m an OCD scavenger when it comes to games like this so I always have TONS of pretty much everything that you might need.
You have every right to be disappointed. But you’re also telling them to only re-release old games for VR. You may as well be demanding that they only re-release old games on PC because your current PC isn’t good enough to play a new game.
I understood exactly that from your initial post, and the only thing I can guess is maybe you had some sort of hardware fault? Because doing exactly what you stated is what I do literally every time I play my PS4. I’m a SP gamer and sometimes I only have a few mins to play a game so I use the suspend feature quite…
It depends on what you’re looking for. The PSVR is absolutely fantastic however slightly limited in that it can’t do true roomscale, and the Move controllers leave a little to be desired, but they can DEFINITELY be had for $200-$300 (which includes anywhere from 2-5 games) and just require a base PS4 to use so the buy…
Gorn is fricking awesome and completely disturbing because you have to get so hyperviolent lmao. That said there’s TONS of great titles for it. Even Payday is pretty sweet in it. I don’t know the PC side of it as well (I have PSVR) but there’s Superhot, Skyrim, Fallout, Doom, Budget Cuts, Robo Recall, Elite Dangerous,…
Yeah that’s laughably wrong... I have the PSVR and have a solid 30-40 titles for it and still more to pick up and tons more coming out. My friend that has the Vive has double that. Same with my buddy that has the Rift.
Well I mean it’s THEIR series, no one else’s, so they can choose to do whatever they want with it lol
Well its already been well confirmed that the PS5 is at least going to be BC with PS4, including PSVR, so you’ll have all those games that you can play plus whatever comes out with launch. I’m definitely interested to see how Scarlett shapes up for MS because I agree, they’re definitely going to come out swinging BIG.…
No, when you completely power down that’s it. Either console has to be in Rest Mode/Fast Start for suspend to happen.
Lmao yeah it has no other risk or greater power draw when you’re in Rest Mode. I try and make sure I hit a save point as well, but the time save from doing a fresh boot and load of the game vs suspend is a god send.
Yup. I use it every time I’m on my PS4. Never had an issue aside from power outages but when that happens I’m like “meh, just means I’ve got to double back a bit”.
A lot of people’s Pro’s sound like jet engines include my friend’s. I got a GoW limited edition Pro that is a unicorn. Can’t ever hear it whether the game I’m playing is disc based or not.
I’m kind of “meh” on that end of it. If the game has manual save I will absolutely do that before I suspend but I don’t fret too much when I suspend between checkpoints/save points.
That has never once happened to me the entire time I’ve owned a PS4. The feature is spotty as hell on my Xbox, but my PS4 has never once failed to suspend and I use it pretty much every single time I use my PS4. I rarely quit a game fully.
Wait you can fail at lockpicking in Outer Worlds? I’ve played for lime 15 hours and it seems to be as long as your skill is high enough you’re good to go.
Ugh I don’t know why you’d like that. Gaming time is precious to me so being able to start right into where I was is an absolute god send and I HATE when my Xbox screws that up whereas my PS4 never has a problem.
It’s funny because at the beginning of the gen, I was legitimately arguing that this is one of the absolute best features of the new consoles and something that they really do better than PCs and I got called an idiot by everyone. Funny how that shit changes.
Lmao don’t blame you