Don’t know why you would be worried. Definitely still holds up. I’ve watched it a few times over the last few years. Love it.
Don’t know why you would be worried. Definitely still holds up. I’ve watched it a few times over the last few years. Love it.
You could definitely be forgiven because they definitely bear a striking resemblance and the time period is right haha
See and the Fairuza Balk that I knew and grew up with was the American History X/The Craft Fairuza, so she kind of haunts my nightmares lol. Damn good actress though.
Well the 3 year old is going to have to learn an important life lesson regarding disappointment lmao
Flight of the Navigator is and will always be one of my favvourite movies as a kid and holds up incredibly well today.
That’s frickin’ awesome haha
I absolutely despise the way people use that term as an insult to a game these days. Like you could boil ANY adventure game down to calling it a “walking simulator” but you’re doing a disservice to many incredible games.
Nothing he said implied a superiority. He mentioned intellectual types of people yes, but there’s a large subsection of the population these days that seems to get overly threatened by intellectually mature people.
You never know, Death Stranding may have made the reviewer a better father... ;P
Dude 7 is absolutely amazing. Especially when played in VR. An experience not to be missed.
Just give me another Resident Evil game to play in VR. RE7 is absolutely fricking amazing on PSVR, it works so perfectly. I hope to god that they continue with that trend.
One of the wonderful aspects of being a single player gamer - makes it harder for internet dbags to be ... well internet dbags...
If you only feel like you’re missing out on those two then that definitely seems like a “you” issue. This gen has had Infamous Second Son, Infamous First Light, Gravity Rush 1&2, Ratchet & Clank, Detroit Become Human, Last Guardian, Uncharted 4, Uncharted Lost Legacy, God of War, Spider-Man, Blood and Truth, Farpoint,…
Lol I caught that too :P
Please tell me you played Mario + Rabbids. One of the best cross overs that has ever been made.
I goddamn love pedantry....
Thanks to PSN’s Games of the Generation sale, it’s mostly going to be Blood and Truth on my PSVR and maybe some Last of Us.
Lmao. I was gonna say he must have dehydrated the shit out of himself to get that definition.
Yeah this really isn’t Anon’s MO, wouldn’t associate them with it. Just another crazy asshole.
That figure is frickin awesome hahaha