
Yeah this really isn’t Anon’s MO, wouldn’t associate them with it. Just another crazy asshole. 

That figure is frickin awesome hahaha

See, the relaxed position for my thumbs sit exactly where the thumbsticks reside on a PS controller. On an Xbone controller my left thumb has to be stretched and engaged to reach the left thumbstick thus taking it out of its neutral position. I personally play a lot of TPP/FPP games whether they be shooters or


VERY few games make use of magazines properly. It’s mostly PC games that have done it properly though. Mafia (only the first one), SWAT 4, Red Orchestra, and basically all of the ARMA games are the only ones that I can think of that do it right.

Thank you. THIS RIGHT HERE. My thumbs naturally sit symmetrically right beside each other. 

I much prefer the DS4's configuration over the Xbone configuration as my thumbs naturally sit next to eachother, not offset. And this is coming from someone who played for years with the 360 controller. I mean I don’t necessarily dislike the Xbone controller (quite the opposite) but the DS4 just works better for me. 

Well that kinda sucks because that was the main way I would export screenshots given that Sony’s app sucks so much balls that you can’t even sync your screenshots to it. 

Not to sound like a dick but that seems pretty closed off. I have some friends that game and some who don’t. Doesn’t mean they’re not worthy of my time or something like that. I also like learning about new things that I don’t know about so I would prefer someone introduce me to something new rather than just refuse

Especially with Witcher 3 because goddamn does that game ever have a lot of stories. 

Ugh watching this I would love it if they added more survival elements and ramped up the difficulty. Way too many moments where the CPU has her dead to rights. 

I legit watched it maybe a month ago, nearly pissed myself laughing a number of times. 

Sorry, did the author seriously say that The Hangover isn’t funny? I mean I can get not liking the sequels (I mean I liked them but I wasn’t remotely expecting them to touch the heights of the first) but the first one is one of the best comedies ever. 

Well struck my friend, well struck.

It was ridiculous. Like this was 2010 at the time, and the POS software was still DOS based

I have similar thoughts. Like, why waste two hours of your life just to stand awkwardly next to a person who, when it comes down to it, is no different that you or I. Same with people that value autographs. At the end of the day it’s some ink on a piece of paper, piece of fabric or whatever it is that you’re getting

Uhhh that would be the right thumb stick, not the left. He’ll just be running forward in most cases if he’s pushing up on the left...

I don’t understand the rage that people seem to have with this setting. It’s for cinematic effect. I personally extremely dislike when a game’s visuals look “washed out” due to the brightness being too high. Setting the image so that you can just make it out (as an approximate) allows the lighting to look correct

Weapon condiment? Like you put mustard/relish on your weapons? Also not many games let you hot swap weapon barrels. Only one I can really think of would be Red Orchestra because real life MG42 barrels would melt like a mofo if you were too heavy on the trigger during a burst. 

Same here for me regarding subtitles, although in some games where you have situational audio where you might be far away from a person that’s talking it is nice to be able to see what they actually said.