
Well said. So many people here just being miserable. Like get some perspective, things could be SO much worse for you. I feel INCREDIBLY lucky to be able to work in the IT field and work with the people that I do and for the organization that I do (non-profit). Wonderfully rewarding and just a fun place to come to

I hear it all the time being the only IT person where I work. Doesn’t really bug me but I’ve got a pretty chill personality and that stuff honestly doesn’t grate on me that much. That and I really like the people I work with. 

Having worked for Blockbuster Canada, they were notoriously cheap. Like they refused to update their POS software pretty much the entire time they were in operation.

That would be VHS boxes, not VCR boxes. The VCR was what recorded/played the tapes <3 And now my daily jaunt into pedantry is complete. 

Very much so. Nothing I’ve played has ever made me realize the scale of the ships in Star Wars like that one. 

But it can. My buddy’s account is attached to my Steam app on my PC and I have access to play games that have been installed to my PC through his account while he is using his account and I’m signed into my own. We just can’t play the same game. 

Two of my favourite RPGs of all time, Skies and Golden Sun <3 

Allied Assault was definitely peak MoH. Airborne was pretty sweet too. 

I finally got around to playing the X-Wing mission in Battlefront for VR. Fricking awesome and would love to see an entire game done like that. 

I mean Beat Saber is probably my favourite game to play just because you feel like a Jedi and I love the work out that it gives, but to pretend like that’s the only thing to play is hilarious. I have a massive backlog lmao.

As someone who has quite a bit of time handling firearms while using NODs in reality, that is because actual NODs don’t really allow you to get a proper sight picture. This is why most forces will use IR lasers attached to their firearms that are zeroed for their expected average engagement distance for target

I don’t play games on my phone so definitely not for me. Apple TV+ on the other though is a possibility

I thought the exact same. Something unnatural about it haha. 

Outside of the fact that it’s turn based, you don’t know whether it’s going to be “generic” or not. Save the judgement for when it’s actually out. 

Yep that sounds about right. I mean I was hoping against hope that it would be good but sadly was not meant to be and Duke as a character just doesn’t ring true with the current gaming audience. That said, I went and played the Atomic Edition of Duke 3D for my Vita a couple years back and fricking loved playing

For me it’s more like too many games, not enough time. 

This sounds really good, but at 18 hours that’s not a ton of playtime... Granted maybe that’s a good thing for a brawler

Lol let’s be honest. When Duke started changing dev hands so much, the red flags were everywhere. 

Oh the world is absolutely RIFE with mass amounts of hypocrisy right now when it comes to race. 

And I’m not disagreeing with that. None of my comment was. I DON’T think the meme is racist. But that’s I also don’t think, as per the person’s comment that I was replying to, assuming that a violent gun crime (not mass shooting mind you) in Chicago would be done by a black person. Yet most people would call someone