I’m a peacock man! You gotta let me fly!
I’m a peacock man! You gotta let me fly!
Hahaha that’s what I commented above too. I was like “pretty sure it’s in reference to events from the first film...”
Well would that be in reference to the events of the first film? Trying to remember but the first film came out in ‘86 assuming it was set in the present day and the events of the MIG insult as well as the conflict at the end of the film took place over the Indian Ocean no? Trying to remember where it said that vessel…
I was just going to mention this! I picked this up for the PSVR and was in absolute awe. The 9 year old me that had just seen Apollo 13 was going insane inside my head.
I don’t think it was the guy’s intention to come off as an arse, but I can definitely see how people could possibly take it as such.
No religion is NOT a societal ill. It’s been abused and used as a tool or crutch to do horribly evil things but religion itself is NOT. Militant Atheists are just as bad as extremists. It’s PEOPLE that are the issue, and the corruptive nature of power.
Great piece and much respect to GodSquad for doing what they’re doing. It’s not for me, but it’s so awesome to see stuff like this come out of technology. Good job and great article!
This right fricking here. Crunchy Cheetos or I will ask you politely, yet firmly, to leave.
Same here. I keep thinking “yeah I’ve gotta go back and finish that” but it just seems like so much effort because NOTHING is quick in that game lmao
Think you’re right on the money there. Initial ships were scouts, what’s happening now is the actual beginning of an invasion proper.
With how CCP is being about it there’s no way this wasn’t planned and it seems perfectly in keeping with the game. That said some of the ships and the time it takes to even be ABLE to fly them is ridiculous so it would sting more than a little bit to lose that time and money.
Well said and I wholeheartedly agree
I’m very much with Constant Colors. I loved the durability system. Absolutely they could have tweaked it to cater more to those who get “anxious” with durability systems but they still did a damn good job with its implementation. 1) it made sense due to the ancient/improvised nature of the weapons 2) it made me look…
For me it’s gotta be a mix of Pokemon Red for the OG Gameboy, Mario Tennis for the GBC (such a great little RPG that I replayed sooooo many times), Golden Sun for the GBA and Fire Emblem for the GBA as well.
Normally you support cancer patients by keeping them positive and saying that they WILL get better and that they CAN beat the odds.
Yeah because telling strangers and keeping yourself accountable hasn’t helped anyone before.... AA and any group support group say “Hi”. I’m not sure what point you’re really trying to make here but you seem way off in your analysis.
Generally I’ve been taught that escalators, as well as the moving walks at places like airports, are supposed to INCREASE your ambulatory efficiency so that way you can move more people through an area faster which is why you’re supposed to walk (not run mind you) on them. Guess the people that taught me that are…
What’s funny is that’s what I craved when I was younger. I grew up on SP games. I did enjoy some MP in highschool and a little in College but they’ve been few and far in between (pretty much just Battlefield but just the good ones ie 1942, 2, BC2, and 4). I’ve always been far more interested in an interesting SP…
Sorry him being into CS makes you feel 3000 years old? Him being into CS is something I would respect as that’s a tough beast of a MP game. Fortnite on the other hand...
Holy crap dude that was a rough story time. Take your star in the hopes that it can somewhat lessen the pain <3