
I thought the same lol

Kinda seems like that Jaws game, which was way more fun that it had any right to be hahaha

I have indeed noticed that in PSVR haha!

The Wii supports them as well through the Gamecube BC

That is fantastically said and wonderfully gif’d. Take your star!

I loved every second. They nailed pretty much every aspect (traversal, combat, world systems, art style, exploration, etc.). Literally the only thing I would like them to do is give us some more legitimate dungeons and maybe they could make the story a little tighter (although I feel like to have the last one, we

If they broke that quickly (unless they were wooden) then you were probably using the wrong ones for the enemy that you were facing. I was constantly throwing away weapons because I had too many for my inventory space which was already maxed well before end game. 

You get so many damn weapons in the game I don’t know why people have an issue. I love that it forces you to adapt and use the environment to your advantage mid-fight. 

Well you know what they say “Mess with the best, die like the rest”

They’re trashing our rights!!!!

Ugh I love Liar Liar! Bruce Almighty was alright, and I can’t even really remember Fun With Dick and Jane outside of the scene at the ATM which is disappointing because I LOVE Tea Leoni. 

Unfortunately yes. I’ve felt that for a bit and while I still love their first party games they keep putting out, to say I’m worried about them would be an understatement. 

Man I just watched this video twice with my coworker and we were in tears we were laughing so hard. It’s that it just progressively gets SO. MUCH. WORSE as the video goes along. 

I remember the water effects being WAY better. Granted I played it on PC and had it jacked to High/Ultra. 

I didn’t get into it until it came out for the Switch. It was the religious hell based art style that initially threw me as I normally am very not into that. But one of my friends convinced me to grab it anyways and thank goodness he did. One of my personal favourite games of all time. Honestly I would love it if


The only one I don’t seem to get burned out on is Binding of Isaac. Love that game so much. 

Yeah because that clearly worked last night.... Series is tied up and heading into GS. Gonna be interesting. 

Hope it gets better for you man. I had some recent struggles with anxiety and depression that were incredibly eye opening. I was lucky that mine was caused by a temporary imbalance in my brain chemistry that was able to right itself with time, but man I had no idea how intense of an issue it is.

Yeah I was legit laughing when I read that. You just almost have to hope that the dude joking wrote that. The absolute arrogance of it is just beyond anything.