Famous Mortimer

Actually they’re using a Huawei. Absolutely no capacity for irony, them.

2054 dollars are called “yuan”

But that 10% is equivalent to 6 extra inches of penis which, for the average buyer of these cars, makes all the difference.

The first episode with Mike from RLM basically playing Harry Plinkett was fun, but subsequent episodes were less than interesting.

I think the difference is some people like as much information as possible from all sources, even obvious propaganda, whereas conservatives close out the rest of the planet in favor of the media that reinforces beliefs already held.

In Sting’s case, he did see everything.

DV is so far up his own ass he refuses to release any cut scenes because they’d compromise his artistic snorefest.

Thanks to AI, no one ever needs to learn anything, ever, about anything ever again. The future is ignorance.

Finding panel gaps on a car that ugly is like solving a magic eye poster.

That’s ridiculous and shouldn’t be on the salvager or the honest people who make up the majority of customers.

Pity the struggling writer/director with talent and artistic vision whose daddy isn’t a famous director. 

A right muppet.

Alt take: the booking person knew exactly who he is and shares his beliefs. Rob’s entire career has been people tossing him a bone for one reason or another.

The worst header image in history for the best bid.

Paint wouldn’t still be on the windows after that long. Obviously hastily done to cover up the many dents, gouges, and rust for the sale.

How do you know he wasn’t already threatened with a $50k fine upon receiving Tesla’s threat? A person can be concurrently threatened, it says so in the bill of constitution.

Reynolds? Canadian. Levy? Very Canadian. Coincidence?!

Hahahaaa ha.

Just because Elon retweeted you once doesn’t mean you owe him a life time of defending his horrible ideas and terrible mistakes.

released straight to Disney+ with little fanfare or promotion