Famous Mortimer

I wonder how nervous the oil companies are with Musk as president. They have to know he wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize his position.

Done it tons of times in Forza Horizon 5, and that’s with simulation steering and no assists, so you know the physics are applicable to the real world!

Those not-at-all-stupid Kaiser helmets, though? Safer than encasing your noggin in carbonite.

The one car to which the Plymouth Reliant was able to feel superior.

After all, repeat a lie often enough and people will start to believe it.

Dashcam footage of a plane crash (half mile away? Hard to tell) isn’t really “seeing people die”. It’s rather impersonal since we don’t see them before, during, or after.

I’m glad he’s going all-out so soon - it means people who think they want his fascist policies will be personally affected all the quicker, and that’s when sociopaths like Dump voters suddenly start caring.

Fox News is too left-leaning for them. They only watch social media scum who are free to let fly all the N-words they want.

They convinced people over a decade ago that “social justice” was the biggest evil the world faced. Why is their ability to get their moronic base to parrot talking points a surprise?

He doesn’t care about you, doesn’t know you exist, and never will.

Do you tag Musk with links to your sweaty stanning or is it a hobby to try this hard? Either way he doesn’t give a shit.

You gotta hand it to the drug/arms dealer who chose that car to transport their goods. Evidence via Carfax posted earlier already proves the 500k is questionable, but it’s still fun to imagine this thing zipping back and forth Florida’s highways loaded down with meth and fentanyl and/or AKs.

Mental gymnastics and compartmentalism allows them to 100% believe it was Trump’s idea and it was he who did it on his first day in office. 

Concept mismatch. Nonsensical. Retry/Fail/Abort.

It was Harris’ on-the-brink-of-crying tone in the second debate that made me realize how unbelievably fucked we are. She was a fine candidate, but most voters are stupid and care only about stupid superficial shit.

I gave that up after they started going into infinite loops of exhaling their vapes while saying “well you know it’s you know like you know the blockchain you know future you know it’s well you know”

Why not both? Dumbshit miners running 60 GPUs are county-level issues, but data centers that require direct connections to power substations are exponentially larger threats.

He’s waiting until he’s in office and has access to those sweet classified documents that the Saudis are waiting for. He’ll make at least $2billion his first hour back.

That’s... not what that means.

Nausea, headache and burning butthole sensation are what I get from alcohol. Also receiver of at least two head injuries, one of which fractured my skull. Wonder if they’re related.