Famous Mortimer

Ugh, he looks like the type to take his daughter to “purity” dances as her date. The creepy really oozes through the camera.

No picture of the driver but I think we already know what he looks like.

Sorry pal, only George Romero could pull off those frames.

Whenever I see these obvious scams, I ask myself “surely people don’t still fall for such obvious scams?” They must, and it must succeed often or they wouldn’t keep doing it.

He probably read that super scientific article that said people who curse a lot are likely geniuses.

Probably a newer breed that’s finally learned that some invocations don’t work*. They’re all-in on there still being tons of word combinations that would make federal employees their bitch at the simplest utterance, but they haven’t reached the level required for that knowledge.

He could drive twice as many Reliant Supervans off the road.

No, that’s the non-protective one. The Apple cover that offers drop protection is $199.

Are you trying to summon The Happening? you think pricing should remain static over 20 years?

Make another D&D movie. Fuck Kelvin Star Trek. Not necessarily in that order.

I for one believe that person bought it with their own money and was in no way compensated by the company for or to create the video.

Gotta drive that engagement! 

This is for getting other super rich to say “Huh, one of those” because everyone else only sees an incredibly unattractive box.

Seriously. TVRs are and always have been fugly.

No baguette poking out of grocery bag in promo material = NO SALE.

What are you saying? Bread is too expensive or something?

Right now he’s fighting like hell to prevent Stormy Daniels from describing his “mushroom cap” penis once she takes the stand. That line must have cut him so deeply and it’s great because you know both that it’s true and it explains many things.

Does it get cold there in the winter?

In addition to being manic and sluggish, it was exciting and uninteresting, high quality but poorly made, and far too long with not enough room to really spread out.