Morris Zapp

+1. The world needs an editor.

I chuckled knowingly. Starred.

Or some purple haired cunt that thinks pets are children.

Well sir, I never heard a preacher use the MF word so many times!

Holy shit that was a good laugh.

Other than Giuliani being a fan the worst you can say about the Yankees is... they have a pretty expensive roster.

Would have starred for username alone.

The Feds shouldn’t be subsidizing states that want to overtax their residents.


Speaking from the grays (ahem), I have the opposite experience. My favorite MLB and NFL teams are both out of market, so I pony up for and Sunday Ticket (streaming, as I’m in an apartment). is less than $150 a season, and I can have it on the living room TV and the iPad in the kitchen at the same time.

LOL don’t forget the USWNT lost to a bunch of teenag [takes shotgun blast to the nuts]

Uh, no.

Choice Mellencamp reference there.

Friend, you need this extension:

What the hell?

Seriously. Toilet time is the best time.

My wife used to work with someone who’d say “First and foremost, let me start by saying...” Which has since become a mainstay in our household.

[raises hand]

